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WHat are ways women show their interest


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I would count getting in my field of vision proximity enough.


another good post from the Princess of Thieves


Yep. sometimes it's just not possible for a woman to try & insert herself in my personal space when i'm at a bar, for instance talking to a group of men about something in particular.


so they hover in my line of site. Or they could just be there.


Over the summer I went to patio bars alone, grabbed a beer & watched whatever game was on. I'd just look around & if I saw a woman look at me more than twice I went over & introduced myself to her.


They all make eye contact once, but if they do it twice then I assume their interested & I was usually correct.


Like I said before, I've had women that I knew who showed zero interest in me later confess they had a crush on me. If they were giving signals they weren't on my radar.


Also, i'm not one of those guys that hits on everything with a heartbeat so I recognize because of this I do lower my chances of meeting someone.

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I think the OP is interested in seriously dating a female who is girlfriend material, i.e. not the kind you find in clubs and pubs grabbing your junk or whatever. LOL


The poster who mentioned "proximity" is spot on. That, and smiling a lot while always finding a way to "happen" to be around you.

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I think the OP is interested in seriously dating a female who is girlfriend material, i.e. not the kind you find in clubs and pubs grabbing your junk or whatever. LOL


The poster who mentioned "proximity" is spot on. That, and smiling a lot while always finding a way to "happen" to be around you.


I also consider it a sign of interest if a girl makes a noise I can hear. Foot steps count.

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I just want the ladies who said the proximity thing is spot-on to know that they have validated me. I always worry that I'm just one more idiot out there mistaking every signal.

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The poster who mentioned "proximity" is spot on. That, and smiling a lot while always finding a way to "happen" to be around you.


I agree with that. Also, it's likely that I will laugh at even your stupidest jokes, occasionally touch your arm or lean just a little toward you, and probably tilt my head to side a bit when I'm smiling at you.

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  • 10 months later...
What they think is obvious isn't so obvious to men. Can some ladies please inform us.



ill stand as close as i can without being to creepy i am always interested in what they have to say even though it might seem like i am not i am working to control how i react as i listen....ill try to reach out and just touch i am keenly aware of personal space though, his not mine.....ill ask random questions that are probably unrelated to anything being discussed.....i will go quiet if they something to offend me and work on getting over it.....if they dotn mean anything to m enot important i am never shocked or offended...been aroudn the block its only guys who mean something to methey are the ones who can offend me or hurt me...no matter how fearful i am will always tell soemone i care ro i am interested luckily it doesn thappen very often whn i have it has nearly always been reciprocated.........so they should already know..i do that normally before i get physically close........deb

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From experience, the biggest signal women send up is proximity. If she likes you, she will press the edge of acceptable personal space and see how you respond.


So, basically, if girls generally avoid your "space", there's no interest. This comes as no surprise to me. :lmao:

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ill stand as close as i can without being to creepy i am always interested in what they have to say even though it might seem like i am not i am working to control how i react as i listen....ill try to reach out and just touch i am keenly aware of personal space though, his not mine.....ill ask random questions that are probably unrelated to anything being discussed.....i will go quiet if they something to offend me and work on getting over it.....if they dotn mean anything to m enot important i am never shocked or offended...been aroudn the block its only guys who mean something to methey are the ones who can offend me or hurt me...no matter how fearful i am will always tell soemone i care ro i am interested luckily it doesn thappen very often whn i have it has nearly always been reciprocated.........so they should already know..i do that normally before i get physically close........deb



just standing next to me wouldn't signal tha you like me.

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Let's see, typical ones for me:

1. I am extra smiley (but you probably need to know me pretty well to know the difference between my normal smiley and extra smiley

2. definitely proximity. I stand closer to people I like.

3. Physical contact. Now, that I am older, I have become ultra aware of how I use touch in communications. Basically this means, unless you are clearly gay, I don't touch you unless I am interested. Or if we have already established a friendship. So if we just met or hardly know each other, I won't touch you unless I am interested. Usually something like, a touch on the shoulder, as I lean in to whisper something to you. Or so you can hear me in a loud place. I have a soft voice.

4. I will make suggestions of stuff we can do together!


These are the biggies.


Depending on the relationship we have....and our interactions, I might invite you somewhere. But if you've already commented on wanting to do something? Then I'll wait for you to initiate inviting me somewhere. I might reach out to check in.... or follow up with something we talked about. I.e. remember that cool restaurant I told you about? Here is the link? Or vice versa, you told me about that cool place, what was the name again?

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Charlie Harper

Signals depend a lot on demographics, education, and cultural background, but some of them are somewhat universal.


From my experience:


After the first greetings-banter-shallow exchange, they ask something so they want the conversation going THAT is the first signal you got their attention.

When in that conversation they actually listen to you, and SEE you! If they like you or think you are handsome they will see you and stare at eyes and lips.

they will lean to you or stand closer. they will try to fix something, like hair lips, and will mimic what you are doing. they will smile a lot.

If you are having dinner or something to eat, and they offer you a bite, they are walking and the push you or make any kind of compliment on your appearance (clothes, hair, eyes etc) you are halfway there...


After that they will be testing you, because women are prewired to be chased...

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The three primary signs she's interested:


  1. She touches you.
  2. She laughs/giggles at your jokes.
  3. She re-initiates conversation.


Here's a list of indicators of interest I give my students:


  • She re-initiates conversations when you stop talking (So….)
  • She giggles and/or laughs at your jokes, even if they’re not funny
  • She touches you
  • She tries to get rapport and build comfort with you
  • If eye contact happens from a distance, she holds it for a second
  • She holds eye contact for longer periods of time when she speaks with you
  • She smiles at you
  • While walking by, she turns her body toward you or brushes against you
  • She uses a functional opener on you or in any way initiates a conversation
  • She interrupts your conversation from nearby or laughs at something you said
  • She asks for personal details about you (name, age, job)
  • She compliments you
  • She is playful and tries to challenge you
  • She's punching your arm but laughing
  • She plays with her hair while talking to you
  • She mentions your girlfriend without knowing if you actually have one
  • When she has to go to the bathroom, she comes back
  • She avoids mentioning her boyfriend
  • When she says or does something, she looks at you to see your reaction
  • She looks at you from the side, to hide the fact that she's looking
  • She introduces you to friends
  • She buys you a drink
  • She calls you a player or a heart-breaker
  • On her way out, she re-approaches you to tell you that she is leaving (Get her #)
  • On your way out, she asks you where you are going (Invite her)
  • She invents reasons to be near you, interact with you, or have Isolation with you
  • She pushes up her breasts (sexual escalation)

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Charlie Harper
Prewired? What's that all about?


Women have this innate need to check you as a potential partner, so they test your confidence, your intelligence, your emotional responses and see you as someone desirable not only on the physical level but on the emotional one too.


Just as prewired are men who like to compete in everything....

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So I go to a cafeteria type diner (L&L Bar-B-Que) I like and as I walk towards it, I see a very hot looking girl also heading there. She was dressed very nice and I was guessing probably on a lunch break since it was @ that time. She saw me and seemed to perk up. I smiled at her and she smiled looking down. She was ahead of me ordering and even though it was really busy and crowded and she was there by herself, she ordered to eat there. I was going to just take the stuff home, but ordered for there as well. I asked her if she would mind me sitting with her, since the place was too crowded for people not to share tables and she seemed really happy I asked. We talked about whatever, I got her number, we went out on a few dates. It was fun.


I was getting my hair cut and as luck would have it, a really cute and sweet looking chick was the one cutting my hair. She really pressed for me to get a shampoo and I gave in. She spent a lot of time massaging my head with the shampoo and was really firm with how she handled me,.....which I really like....and , well....I got a chubby. She noticed and commented on it. I laughed a little and apologized and then she reaches over and rubbed up and down on it a few times which immediately had me pitching a tent. I was pretty sure she was interested. When she was drying my hair with a towel, she kept on rubbing her tits on my head. Durring my hair cut, she constantly brushes her tits, ass and pussy on various parts of me. Not in a way where you think...was that an accident or on purpose? It was very blatantly sexual and on purpose. I am saying I had my hand on the hand rest and she started rubbing her cunt on the back of my hand, so I turn my hand over and go two fingers out and she totally pressed her pussy into my fingers. This was with a bunch of other people waiting to get a hair cut as well. It was the most erotic haircut I ever got. I type out on my phone for her to give me her number or go on break so we can go hook up and she tells me she has a boyfriend that she really loves.


I am working out of Costa Rica staying at the airport hotel for the first few days. I see a really hard body girl....I mean, just ****ing amazing body and she was a blonde, in the lobby. She sounded European and was having a hard time talking to the front desk people who speak perfect English and Spanish. I notice her, she noticed me. Most girls do. I had work to do, so I went to do my job. After work, I go down and have some drinks by the pool. I look up and see someone peeking through the blinds from one of the rooms. It was her. then I see someone else standing beside her also peeking out at me.....an even hotter girl. Not as tight of a body, but still very nice and a beautiful face. About 15 minutes later, the blonde comes through the door to the pool area, right where I can see her. She was wearing an extremely tight and short dress, completely out of place for where we were. I mean, if I had took a picture of her right there with clothes still on and uploaded it to the internet, I am sure it would become a lot of guys favorite spank material. I was positive she was interested and that she absolutely wanted sex now. In the time it took me to walk 20 feet, another guy had already raced up to her. No worries though, that guy had no chance and I was sure she was there purposely for me anyway. I interrupted him talking to her. He seemed pissed, it didn't matter because I don't care. Me and her both ignored him. I went back to her room with her, where her friend was. It took practically no effort for that to happen and very little talking, because I barely understand her at all really. First and only time I ever had sex with "two girls, same time". It was ok, mainly because of the blowjob from both of them, but I like just going at one girl at a time much better. Oh, and they were both Italians and airline stewardesses. One was a blonde and the other a brunette. Blonde was under 5'4" and just a rock hard dancers type body with big fake boobs. Brunette was @5'7" with a nice, thin sporty type natural body that was just nicely toned and a strikingly pretty face. Kinda sucked though that both of them had hairy pussies. It was trimmed, but I like completely bald down there. I know, pics or it didn't happen.


Just a few hours ago, I was at the supermarket and of course there was some hot girl walking around in yoga pants, because there always is in my area. I noticed she was checking out every attractive looking guy. I was thinking she is diffidently looking for something and was probably hoping to be approached. So I approached her (she hadn't even seen me till I walked up to her. I rarely actually "cold" approach). She smiled right away when she saw me. She seemed to be having a hard time trying to not smile and was getting embarrassed maybe. I just laughed reassuringly to calm her down. Asked her if she just got done working out at the gym, which she did. I kept it short and told her I had to go and she should give me her number. Will see tomorrow if she wants to grab lunch at an Indian restaurant that I have been meaning to try out.

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Unless a woman grabs my ass I wouldn't know she was interested. Even then I might still wonder a bit.

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