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Trusting new girlfriend

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Hi I was divorced in 2003 due to my ex-wife sleeping with my best friend. Things are ok there now and we are getting along ok due to the two small children we have. The problem is I have become involved with a wonderful women and we have fallen very much in love with each other. I have been seeing her now for about 9 months and she was involved with a man for about 2 years and he cheated on her. She was very in love with him and got very hurt as well. I have no dought that she would ever hurt me or do anything to jeopordise our relationship. But her ex just won't go away. He calls her and e-mails her and as sad as it is i started snooping to find out if anything was going on. < this is just not who i normaly am...I did find out she was calling him too once a week or so. They were very close and together for 2 years. She's super nice and doesn't want to hurt anyone. What i need is to figure out a way to stop worring about this before i ruin the best thing that has ever happened to me. HELP before i blow it.




Going Crazy

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Snooping in someone's privacy is not right. ;) But I do understand... :):)


You really should talk to her and let her know how your feeling.

Let her know that you cherish what you both have right now and you need to know if there is something that she needs to tell you before your relationship progresses.


Tell her your concerns with you and your past and hers as well :) but I don't think I would tell her you snooped.. ;) l

Good Luck to you

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