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The big "Weight" issue in dating...


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As an anecdotal aside, for about 11 months now, I have been practicing daily intermittent fasting (ala Martin Berkhan) for periods of between 15 and 18 hours daily, while limiting the period in which I take in calories to around 9 to 6 hours a day. Over the course of this year, I have decreased my bodyfat percentage, built muscle...


Would you please post a link and any information in the Physical Fitness forum?

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Would you please post a link and any information in the Physical Fitness forum?


Link and brief intro posted in Physical Fitness forum

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However, I honestly don't think the poster who mentioned it has tried it, or has bothered researching the 'why's and 'how's of it. To him, his 90 lbs ex and gf is the ideal, and women should make themselves hungry to attain that, plain and simple. I suspect that he has not tried dieting himself before, and believes all that because it is probably what his ex-gf did to maintain her weight, and to him that is 'okay'.


Again, every single one of your assumptions was incorrect, an impressive record.

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Living in the good ole United States of America, with obesity seemingly on an overwhelming rise it appears that it's going to be a hot topic for some generations to come.


My stance on it has always been...you either want to lose weight bad enough to do it, or you'd rather eat and at least be happy with the way you are and don't bitch about it. It's your body, your life.


However with that being said, it's something actually quite hard to ignore in the dating world, and it doesn't seem to ever take a back seat, at some point or another it's going to come up and be a topic.


It seems like most people would rather bitch about it...especially when it comes to dating and you frequently see comments on dating sites about determining their "weight class" and people saying "curvy" when they're 350 pounds or how they don't want to be judged on the outside but what's on the inside, blah blah blah.


Which leads me to my biggest gripe...


Why do "overweight" people expect not to be judged for their weight?


It seems to be ok to judge people by their income, job title, living situation, smile, height, but whatever you do, don't judge me because I'm fat!


It seems like somehow I'm supposed to have a conversation with my penis and explain to him how great of a person, nice and great of a heart you have and how I and other men should not be so harsh ::while scolding my penis with my finger:: and that you should force yourself to get hard because although you're not doing anything wrong, you should feel like a bad person and MAKE or CONDITION yourself to liking undesirable and unattractive fat, that you find very unappealing as If someone was telling you to do something that you felt a little repulsed doing.


And this goes the same for women, I've known a lot of "big" guys who want these little stick girls that are half their size and yet they wonder why the girl isn't interested...I mean that can't be all the appealing seeing a sausage hanging out in a lathery mess of fat and rolls with a patch of pubic hair signifying the location of the reproductive happy organ.


How is desirable to people? And why are people who are not attracted to something that is clearly undesirable scorned upon and made out to be shallow and selfish human beings instead of healthy people with 20/20 vision or somewhere close to it?


And you know what I'm tired of hearing people say as well "Well it's not like men don't get all fat either wah wah waaaah". You know what? then go with that guy! you can be happy together! Why are you pushing men who are clearly not that guy? people who don't find themselves attractive being overweight not just you which everyone makes it out to be like?




I'm not saying that we should all be judgmental and criticize each other, two people should meet out of mutual attraction and interest. However I'm way over this "see me for who I am on the inside" crap, just because someone's deal breaker is "fat people" and your deal breaker is "short guys", "uneducated", "unattractive" yet for some reason you think that you should be able to shun the that guy without having to feel shallow while you're expecting Mr. Hotty over there to come and play with your dough. Or Ms swim suit model to come over there and chill on your beer belly and twiddle your man trail with her tongue.


I'm tired of the excuses, I'm tired of the "Why won't anyone date me?" when you weigh more than most of the guys/girls you are after and they are good looking and in shape, I mean c'mon get real. Anyone who had a perfect body and great looks would never settle for anything less and that's the bottom line, and IF they did it would be more likely because they're insecure than just attracted to that type.


If anything it's a incompatibility because;


A) Someone in shape or eats healthy is not going to "motivate" your life style, It'll just be like every other failed diet. Motivation has to come from you.


B) No you can't lose 50 pounds and starve yourself so that you can get in shape then balloon after you are in a relationship with a person then blackmail them for not loving you because it's what they signed up for


C) You'd likely be more interested in lounging on a couch all day and watching tv at the end of the day instead of hiking up a trail, riding a bike, or going to the gym...because being in shape or close to it takes effort and is a lifestyle..not a book you read or a diet you follow for two months


D) You're probably a foodie and will likely fatten up said skinny person, then you'll both in trouble and more overweight, then you'll both be sad and depressed while carving out a carton of icecream!


bad conclusion. i'm about to marry a 260 pound guy. i work out all the time. he doesn't work out much. he had a good job, best sense of humor. did i mention his personality and his smarts? the sex is the best i've ever had. i'm 21 and he's 31.

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I would love for this country to be like others where people arn't all fat and out of shape. It's so refreshing to look around an have every women young enough to date you be hot for the most part.


Bottom line a person who is fat is no better then a person who isn't. Less healthy very posibly so. Has a struggle you can see yes.


I hate this society. A society that promotes zero physical activity and poison food.


Why arn't there bike paths and great side walks with shade and safety. You can't get around to most places safely unless you drive your car. Then the food. My government here subsidizes sugar industry in many different ways. They also help make animal product cheaper then plants... IT's sick. Then of course we're built to love this crap sweet, fatty, salty food. But just like we're built to love drugs it can become to much real fast. So we need to use our minds to adapt to our situation. Bottom line people a sheeple to want this government system and job system and life that has done this too us. More and more people will be fat if we continue down this path.


So no in shape people are no better then a sickly fat person. Healthy people are more attractive. Now when some on looks in shape they look healthy and there for sexy. As opposed to some one who looks like they can't walk properly or that they're fat they look sick.


I'm not attracted to fat people. I like curvey in shape girls. By that I don't mean some gym girl. I just mean a girl who's smart enough not to drink to much soda, beer, juic... what ever... knows to drink water. Some one who knows to have a majority of their diet be whole fruits and vegatables... instead of 90-100% proccesced crap and animal protein.


So yeah I'd love to go out and see a 30 year old woman and be like yum yum. Then see the 25 year old woman and go sexy sexy. Then hell even see the 16 year old girl and say to myself I feel dirty but shes hot!


But no I go out and see the fat 37 year old woman with her fatter 16 year old daughter and the 25 year old girl who looks kind of cute but like she's really strugling not to tip over into fat from a little too chubby. Then when I see just a normal girl next door type who doesn't have a fat face I'm like WOW!


Yep sad. But I still think its easy enough to get an attractive girl. Feel bad for guys who settle. Then again a lot of guys are complete losers so they are lucky all these fat women exist haha




Oh god I so want to crush you!. Thanks for putting that picture in my head of you crushing small men cutie.


i hate your stinky smelly attitude. you strike me as a complete loser.

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