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My ex wants to marry her


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My ex and I had coffee together recently and he was saying how he wants to marry his girlfriend. I am beyond crushed! I always imagined how he and I would get married and now he wants to get married? The killer part it is the have only been dating for 3 months. My ex and I dated 6 months and only a few times did the word marriage come up:sick: He would say things like you are the girl I want to marry and have kids with or I know my family would welcome you into your family when we get married and now he wants to marry her only after only 3 months? Apparently she has been bringing up marriage and now he is thinking marriage as well. It doesn't make any sense to me at all! Why would she want to marry him when they haven't even entered the honeymoon phase and why would he agree to it? Am I going crazy or is this the most insane thing you have ever heard?

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Well if you still get hurt by him you should probably not be going out to coffee with him for your own emotional sake.


But his reasons? Who knows? Does it matter? Maybe he is rebounding hard like many do? Maybe he feels a genuine connection with this person that he didn't feel with you and truly wants to spend the rest of his life with her?


There is no reason to analyze his life. He is not with you anymore and him being clearheaded or not is none of your concern.

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I agree but I know he still has feelings for me. I see the way he looks at me and gets jealous when another guy walks by and stares at me. I do not quite understand his motives and as you said it is not any of my business but it does do a little damage to my heart I am not going to sugarcoat that one.

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I have no title

first of all jealousy is not love...if a guy is jealous it doesn't mean he has feelings for you.

secondly, I can see that he loves talking about marriage to all of his gfs apparently, so I won't take his words seriously..he was telling you about it, now he is telling her about it, so take it easy. My ex was always telling me how he wants to marry me. Even while breaking-up with me he told me he still sees me as his future wife..but yeah, 3 months later I saw pictures of him and his new gf where he wrote "me and my future wife" - so I just laughed about it cause apparently he seems to say it to everyone of his gfs...

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I agree but I know he still has feelings for me. I see the way he looks at me and gets jealous when another guy walks by and stares at me.


That is selfishness, and not love.


My ex was, and is the same way, extremely jealous, even after our horrible breakup (he married the other woman) and is even worse now that he's found out that I'm seeing someone he knows. It's just a bruise to his ego. "I don't want you but no one else can have you either. No one gets to be happy but me."

Edited by shayla
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My ex is the same way obviously. He doesn't know what he wants:rolleyes: I think like your ex he doesn't want me to have anyone else and like your ex he wants to be happy but I can't:rolleyes: Unlike my ex I haven't even thought about throwing myself back into the dating pool because unlike him I am not into rebounds or someone just to date just so I can be happy. I do not need to date to make myself happy I am happy just being single! I admit sometimes when I see valentine's day cards I get misty eyed thinking I wish I had someone for Valentine's but I also think my heart needs to heal and I will know it is time to throw myself back into the dating pool when I am ready.

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My ex told me that he is never going to marry anyone. Three years of dating and he never brought up marriage except to tell me he did not want to get married. AFter dating the woman he cheated on me with- he dated her for 5 1/2 months, he asked her to marry him. She accepted. Seems like he couldn't wait to rub it in my face.

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