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Thought some of you might like an update.


Things with my BF and I are getting better. He didn't call like he said he would this weekend (which is typical) but then out of the blue he calls last night crying asking if he can talk.


I agree to talk and we can't do it but for a few minutes. He explains how sorry he is that he didn't call over the weekend. That made me so happy that he kinda felt bad about it. Maybe that's wrong, but when he is sorry he never says it like this. I felt like for once it was true.


He also wouldn't stop saying "I love you" to me. At one point he said it in a really soft voice "I love you so much, baby, you know that?" I took that as a rhetorical question. Maybe again that was rude. I don't know. I just felt like I had been working so hard the last few months that it was about time he knew how it felt to be on the other end of the schtick.


Does everyone think I'm crazy?? Or did I do the "right thing?"



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You are right to play it cool- and I'm so proud of you!


I certainly don't encourage "game playing"- but I don't think thats what you are doing.


You need to know that he has got what it takes to be in a healthly and committed relationship.


Never take "I'm sorry" as an excuse. If he is truly sorry- he won't do it again- and if he does- you better be prepared to follow through and end it.


It's not likely that he will change- and certainly not over-night- so don't get your hopes up. The most important thing- is that you had control and excercized it to your benefit.


Please accept the possibility that he is just feeling guilty-and will continue the "sweetness" until he feels that you are securely "sucked" back into the rut. I know this sounds cruel- but it happens all the time. And he shows all the classic signs.


If you find that he isn't sincere- and I mean at the FIRST sign- get rid of this guy once and for all!! And it wouldn't hurt to let him know that this is his last chance.


You will discover that once you completely take control of your life-your well-being and your happiness, self-esteem will pour over you like sunshine on a clear day. I wish this for you- I really do.


Thanks for the update! Jenna

Thought some of you might like an update.


Things with my BF and I are getting better. He didn't call like he said he would this weekend (which is typical) but then out of the blue he calls last night crying asking if he can talk.


I agree to talk and we can't do it but for a few minutes. He explains how sorry he is that he didn't call over the weekend. That made me so happy that he kinda felt bad about it. Maybe that's wrong, but when he is sorry he never says it like this. I felt like for once it was true.


He also wouldn't stop saying "I love you" to me. At one point he said it in a really soft voice "I love you so much, baby, you know that?" I took that as a rhetorical question. Maybe again that was rude. I don't know. I just felt like I had been working so hard the last few months that it was about time he knew how it felt to be on the other end of the schtick.


Does everyone think I'm crazy?? Or did I do the "right thing?" Lilac

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