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dumper breaks contact.


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so in my previous thread i stated i wasn't in pain anymore. we've been apart 2 months, and on our last breakup she lasted around the 2month mark before crumbling. she texted me ' i love you and miss you, i don't want to hurt you anymore' i replied stating that i had nothing to offer the relationship anylonger. (this is because i know that she still has GIGS) and i don't want to take her back anytime soon. plus i am having fun on my own. she has sent me multiple pics of us kissing, our memories and such over the last 4 hours. she's dying inside. and hey, i told ya.. but isnt life a bitch, it's always too late!

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You said you don't want to take her back anytime soon, but you also said it is always too late. Would you ever take her back?


The reason I ask is because I have seen several posts lately where one person begs to get back together and the other person says "no". Then after a couple months the person that said "no" wants to get back together and the person who initially begged to come back says "no" so they never get back together ends.

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