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To Tony, re: internet safety


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Hey Tony,


I have read several posts where you mention the safety of the internet. I have to admit- I don't really understand the specifics of how the WWW actually works- and I probably wouldn't even if you explained it to me.


But..... I know that people's information can be obtained without the owner disclosing it. It would seem logical (to me) that if you are using the email address assigned to you through your ISP- then "someone" one definately has access to you personal info- like real name, address, phone number, credit card number , etc...... simply because your ISP requires the info to set up your account -if only for billing purposes.


When you sign up for any of the various web sites that offer "free" email (ei.; yahoo or altavista)- you aren't required to give true info-because there is no need for it-since no billing is involved. So no real personal files exist for someone to hack into.


Maybe I am too paranoid- but JUST INCASE- I am right -I want to be safe.


If you know, how DO people find out stuff about people on-line if the owner of the info isn't actually disclosing it?


Thanks- Jenna

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YOU ASK: "If you know, how DO people find out stuff about people on-line if the owner of the info isn't actually disclosing it?"


Usually by asking the owner of the info; by hacking into a computer hard drive with a Trojan Horse virus or other hacking strategy, which can usually be detected by an anti-virus program; and by court order.


It is extremely rare that people seek out personal addresses online. If someone is angry enough at another to want to do them physical harm, they already know their address.


Hackers go for bank account info, AOL account, credit card numbers, and other information to use it illegally. But they usually get caught. Money or goods obtained have to be deposited or delivered somewhere. Police now have extremely sophisticated tools to pinpoint hackers.

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If memory serves me right, you or a family member were having an experience with a cyberstalker about the time I first logged in (May-June). Were you able to resolve the problem?


(Excuse the post if I've remembered incorrectly)




the loveshack contains links to the internet angels who can help in these crappy, creepy stalker cases.


I read the following article regarding privacy on the Internet and found it very interesting. It shows how things may get worse in the future. Copy and past the address into your browser if you care to read it. http://www.msnbc.com/news/467900.asp
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Yes, my sister had the experience but she gave him her phone number and that's all he needed to get her address, etc. They had a few very nice talks on the phone, and then the guy showed a terrifying and crazy side. My sister was extremely scared. Thankfully, the issue has been resolved.


As I said in my earlier post on the subject, most problems occur when a person inadvertantly or with a measure of trust gives out one morsel of information. Even a last name can be enough for an ambitious stalker to do his deed.


I think the Internet can be just as safe as anything else...but it can also attract the worms because of the illusion of annonymity, which also puts nice, naive people way offguard.


A person has really and truly got to be extremely dedicated to getting to someone if he sets out to find someone through their Email address. Incidentally, mine is: <e-mail address removed> Find me and you get a prize!!!

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