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releasing some of my baggage

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why Hello there


Let me get this off my chest while I'm feeling this way lol :p well here's me that has never really been on my own, always living off my parents, not having a job, or other stuff. Video games always took my worries off from the real world, and when I got off them I get worried. I am almost 22yearsold in June tho, I am still immature in ways, but also mature. xD Anyways, when trying to apply for a job I get nervous, I freak out on myself asking questions like "am I going to do it good?" stuff like that because I haven't worked in stores;cashiers, restaurants, well you know.. lol.


Thats just doubting myself, low self esteem, low confidence working on me. Well I did work, summer jobs. First summer job i was either 14 or 15, Janitor work, helping my aunty clean. Didn't mind but had issue with cleaning infront of people lol :p shy... the next summer job, I was 16? I was a receptionist, I hated it! because of this one rude guy giving me **** on the phone(i wasnt told or didnt ask were these workers were at), I went to the washroom and cried lol..awwwe. after that I didnt want to be working as a receptionist. The money was good pay! :D just for 2weeks :) I think i got $900.


During this past summer July 2011, I worked at a canteen for about 5 days, volunteer work, my cousin was the one who just put my name down and didnt ask me but i helped, I didnt feel like it, I was doubting myself(the fact of to many people, and im not good with counting money). Plus I havent stood on my feet for 9hrs or more, but stuck it up lol.. ugh..


Anyways, I applied for University in my birthcity. Me living 13hrs west from there, I got accpeted by both; my sponsor, and university. I happy, also afraid. So the whole family packed up the stuff and stored them into a storage, its hard to find a place there :/ I just had to find a room to rent off from random people. My family living north from me, staying at a familys there. They're still living there, also have jobs there. I am out of University, due to the strike that screwed me over(strike happened 3weeks after the semester just started and then ended b4 Christmas), I really loved the feeling of going to school :) .


I am now here with my family for a long visit (until my brothers wedding feb18th), I stopped living off my sponsor, since i withdrawal. I live on welfare :/ I still have my room I'm renting, anyways...all Ive been thinking was wether if I should go back to school, but this time Community College, My roomates say that The University is messed after the Strike they had, hmm still wondering here..plus I feel like traveling to the States to visit the xboxlive friends lol, and after looking at places to rent were i used to live, i miss it there..I just loved out there! except the windy days haha :p I wanna move back, im just a confused mind, but me im just the kind to be stuck on the "now" feelings. later on I be changing my mind to something else, and I also don't want to tell that to some of my family, cuz I was the one who brought them here, back to this province.


Plus if i try another University or College somewhere else, my sponsor might think im living on them lol. I wanna learn new stuff, im interested in Computers, Art, and Music. *sighs* just hope things will be alright, and that where ever the Creator plans with my life.


btw this is a very good place to let everything out since I dont talk about my load to anyone, i try to once, like my mother but then she cuts me off and then changes the topic on me..and i get upset and wont talk. I listen to her when she complains about everything else lol :p xD


welp, im done...for now at least. Peace it peeps! :D

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