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Going to block him !! Yay !!


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It has been almost three weeks since my arsehole ex emailed me out of the blue wanting me back and saying he wants to spend the rest of his life making me happy . Changed his mind a few days later and now it has been two weeks since I have heard from him . I am not writing to him.


I was sad for a while but now I am just ****ing pissed off . He can just declare his undying love for me one second and then take it all back , then telling me I am smothering him and putting pressure on him. That he is depressed and going through a hard time now . Poor thing !


I looked at his profile on fb and felt nothing today.He makes me sick , also saw that he added his loser 40 year old friend who encouraged him to join a dating site while he was still with me so he could have a wing man because he was so sad being single . I saw the way those two spoke about women , and they wonder why ?


Well **** them both . I am not waiting around for him to contact me anymore . I do not want him back . I am sick of his arrogance asuming I am sitting here crying my eyes out . He thinks he can just ignore me for two weeks thinking I will come running again . Well I ****ing won't . I am not a doormat anymore .



Thanks for reading :D

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I am not waiting around for him to contact me anymore . I do not want him back . I am sick of his arrogance asuming I am sitting here crying my eyes out . He thinks he can just ignore me for two weeks thinking I will come running again . Well I ****ing won't . I am not a doormat anymore .


Wow, Buttercup, good for you! I remember reading your posts last year, you sounded so unhappy and in love with him and he sounded totally undeserving of your sweetness. Glad you've realised that and are moving on and getting so strong!!

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Good for you for finally taking this much needed step. Hopefully it will help prevent some future breakdowns.


Stop looking at his facebook though, no need to "facebook stalk". It brings you nothing but the possibility of pain.

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wow buttercup you go girl he is acting like a idiot and you deserve better girl after everything you been though for him to show up do that and go again is just not on and i'm glad it's driving you forward :)

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It has been almost three weeks since my arsehole ex emailed me out of the blue wanting me back and saying he wants to spend the rest of his life making me happy . Changed his mind a few days later and now it has been two weeks since I have heard from him . I am not writing to him.


I was sad for a while but now I am just ****ing pissed off . He can just declare his undying love for me one second and then take it all back , then telling me I am smothering him and putting pressure on him. That he is depressed and going through a hard time now . Poor thing !


I looked at his profile on fb and felt nothing today.He makes me sick , also saw that he added his loser 40 year old friend who encouraged him to join a dating site while he was still with me so he could have a wing man because he was so sad being single . I saw the way those two spoke about women , and they wonder why ?


Well **** them both . I am not waiting around for him to contact me anymore . I do not want him back . I am sick of his arrogance asuming I am sitting here crying my eyes out . He thinks he can just ignore me for two weeks thinking I will come running again . Well I ****ing won't . I am not a doormat anymore .



Thanks for reading :D


Hurray for Buttercup! Your ex really does sound like a super-sized bombaclot! I am glad you are moving forward. You might have setbacks, as we are do. When you have one, you just have to pick yourself up and move forward again!



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