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does distance make the heart grow founder


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hi well i was with my boyfriend for 10 months and we broke up.But now after after 6 months of us being broken up he wants to try to work things out. He is far away and wont be back for about 6 more months. But he is writting me letters saying that he wants me and only me.But i dont know if I can trust him to not break up with me.So is there any way to tell if he is serious? He knows how I like him but it keeps going through my head that he wants to be with me because he has no one else that likes him as much as I do.


He has been with one other girl since me do u think hr just wanted to see if he really liked me..... please i need advice could he really still have fellings for me.

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There was a reason you broke up. Think about it.


Stay a free agent, date other people, be open, enjoy yourself, be friends with your ex. When he is back in your proximity, then make a decision as to whether you want to get back with him or not.


Six months of long distance stuff will not be fun or healthy either. Write to him, talk to him on the phone but make it very clear to him that there's nothing more than friendship until he's back near you...and then there are no promises.


If you find someone in the meantime, go for it. If he get's back and you still really like him, OK. Men don't go out with other girls to see if they like someone. They go out to have fun and get to know the ladies. Don't buy into his stuff. Yes, he could break up with you again but so could anybody else.


When he gets back, if you decide you want to see him again, enjoy his company and see where it goes. You are wanting guarantees and there's just no such thing in love.

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