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The end of the story.


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Today is my birthday, and barely 15 minutes after midnight, I got a message from my ex-boyfriend. After 4 months of NC since the break up, the message reads "I know that you no longer want to have anything to do with me and that you'll probably delete this within an instant, but still. Happy birthday." Even though I had literally blocked him from every interface I could think of, he manages to find some kind of loophole and contacts me nonetheless.


My response? .. Probably the most genuine smile I've had in 4 months.

I guess he has become much more insightful/wise in the meantime, because "you'll probably delete this within an instant" was spot on. I have nothing left to say to this person, and that message completely confirmed it. To not say anything for months (especially hurtful, given how/why we ended) and then to.. what, pluck up the courage to say two sly sentences which are presumably supposed to entice a response or reaction from me? So that I can respond "thank you" and begin the most tedious, tense exchange of who knows how many messages before it's back to NC again? That's the most hilarious, saddest thing I've heard all year. Immediate deletion. No one gets to do that to me.


And so, Loveshackers, I think this is where the story ends. I thank you all most sincerely for all of your support over the last little while - I've appreciated it greatly. In the end, I think all I can really say is.. be patient. Everyone, especially if you're going through a rough time -- be patient.

Everything will work out perfectly fine in the end, I promise. Just wait a little bit longer..


(.. and sit down, close your eyes, and wait for the crescendo in this song:

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If you are doing what you feel is best for you, then good for you. Hopefully you will continue healing and find the peace that everyone is searching for.


Best of luck with everything in the future :)

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