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The blood sucking ticks are getting the better of me?

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Whatever it is, please write some more. Could it be you are still feeling badly about spilling the beans?


What's done is done... can NEVER be undone. It doesn't matter why, nothing can be changed.


Draw a line under that part of your life and write THE END. I know.. easier said than done.




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Here's an earlier post by the OP, in part:


Iv'e thought about jumping off a bridge, I will admit. Nobody seems to understand that emotional vampires like myself, are very damaged people with legitimate reason to screw up, be vulnerable, and do the whole "poor me thing" sometimes when we get down. Like not normal down, but depressed down. I feel like I'll never get out of seeing everthing through depressions eyes and get that lovely new boyfriend I crave. I really want kids one day. But because of the type of person I am (flawed, slightly manipulative), how can that be? Happiness, I mean. I see happiness as having a clean place, food to eat and FAMILY. I crave a peacful family that I never grew up with. Emotionally, I was backhanded by my parents, thus I grew up to be a vampire.


In later posts she speaks of telling the girlfriend of the man she was seeing about them.


Hmmm....... IMO, this dynamic is beyond the scope of this forum to effectively support or advise. All I can do is wish her well. Hope it works out.

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