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, dropping some baggage

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Harrow there


I have no idea where to put this at, so I'm going to leave it here(lol). Completely confused on how me and my friend are, my online friend, we have online dated before. It's Junior, the guy i've talked about in my other threads. But anyways, I am just confused, wether if he's talking in another way..flirting? hmm....lol. Here's come facts about us, we dated off & on (my online relationship) for 1 year, broke it off, 8months later I contact him by mailing a letter asking him if we can be friends. Jr. saying yeah. Now its been 1 year since our break up, Me starting out slow with this, getting to know him better than before. Don't really want to scare him off by mentioning other stuff lol xD I'm starting to like him again, i always have. Anyways, me by starting off slowly is cause I sometimes get ahead of myself. He probably has a girlfriend already, which I accepted. So I am just confused, on the way we talk sometimes...Plus I just dont want to ask him questions. dam...I'm probably not making sence at all...lol! xD Sometimes I just want to tell him I love him, chitchatting with Junior makes me smile.


some baggage; I need a break from my parents, sometimes....hearing my mother complain or what not bugs me, i have to bite my tongue sometimes. she's a great mom! I love her, and for what she taught me in life. And still is...I think she did most of the parenting when I was young child. I don't really say much to her, about my feelings, whats on my mind etc...something about me i just dont talk much to people about that, because i dont want to be a bug, thats probably why I'm in my shy shell still, I'm somewhat starting to come out. Same with my dad, i barely talk to the man, just sometimes. I still love him, for his teachings, he might not fathered me much...Me loves him.


Dam..Can't wait for my brother's wedding! Feb 18th is his big day! I'm a bridesmaid, WOOOO! :p at times i've been getting nervous, cuz what if i have to say a speech? no idea what to say, since ive never really grewed up with him. Just my sister whose one year after him ( so their 6 & 7 yeard older than i am= me almost 22, them 28 & 29) I hope i dont, if i do cross my fingers i do okay.. lol or i'll just get buzzed to talk haha xD My sister's not a bridesmaid, just me and some other ladies (13 of us chickies, and 13 grooms men) <<thats lots IKNOW!!!!


welp I gotta go now, peace it for now!

Edited by MsKnightSoul
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