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Do I talk to her?


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A few of you have probably seen some of my other threads, this one is a bit different. It's not quite about coping..


I dated a coworker for 5 months and things ended just after the new year. We jumped into trying to be friends too soon, and it got really bad. It was really my fault, I had a rough few days and it came out as me being mean/angry towards her. That was like 3 weeks post-breakup.


It's been 2.5 more weeks since then, and shes still seemingly put off by that incident. Right after all of that happened, I apologized and we were deemed "cool" by her. I know it's probably still "too soon" by anyone's standards, but I had a really long talk with another coworker who has known her for years, and I am truly okay now. I found out a lot of things about her, that if I had known prior to the relationship, I probably wouldn't have dated her. I am totally fine and understanding now, and cool enough to be a friend to her.


I should share, that even the other coworker agreed that for some reason, every incident/bad thing to the ex, is x10 compared to a normal person's reaction.


So here lies my question, the ex's last day at our store is tomorrow. Most likely the last time I will ever see her. I do want to keep in touch in some form, I at least want her to leave on a much better note than things are right now.


I see her today in an hour, and tomorrow at the same time. That's all i'll get to see of her. I want to talk to her. I want to be "cool", and moreso than just her saying that so that I was okay after that one episode.



One last footnote, Two nights ago is when I talked to the other coworker and got into this really good stage where i'm almost completely moved on. Yesterday, I bought a drink for that coworker and left it on the counter at work so she'd see it when she came in half an hour later. I simply wrote "Thanks - S" on the receipt. She texted me to say you're welcome, but she also said "K flipped." I asked why, and she said she didn't know, but K saw the note and said to her, "Stay away"


This angered me a lot. I really wanted to call or drive down there (3 minutes away) and talk to her. I calmed down before I did either but I was pretty pissed off. This is who the ex is, and mainly why I want to try and talk to her.. Somehow that one event is SO much more meaningful to her than 5 months of me being a "really great guy" (as said by her)



Hopefully someone can shed some advice in the next hour before I do see her. I don't quite know what to say. I know I can do it all nicely and without being frustrated.

Edited by AwptiK
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I need to understand this right.

You bought a drink and left the note for another coworker. Your ex saw it and told the other coworker to stay away from you, or for you to stay away from the ex?

If she said the coworker should stay away from you i totally understand her reaction and i would for sure go talk to her, better to split in a nice way and leave with good memories than anger if possible. If she meant for you to stay away, you should respect her wishes otherwise it will just end up causing harm.

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