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Coping with Damaged Relationship?


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My BF and I have a co-dependent relationship. It is affecting us both in different ways and very negatively. We have intense fights that end with one of us insulting the other, kicking the other out, or crying uncontrollably.


It's been a turbulent R from the beginning. I was concerned and started therapy - was quickly diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and put on medication. He started therapy but claims no diagnosis although from my own research I would say he's got some narcissistic personality traits.


My unpredictable temper and outbursts (he says) conditioned him to lie to me about things he thought would make me mad. Because for the 1s year he was going through a divorce, we kept our R quiet and completely separate from his friends, family, and co-workers. I was more open about him in my life with my friends but the nature of the R ultimately distanced me from my friends. We lived in a bubble and as time went on became more and more emotionally dependent on each other - even during the fights.


After our last fight and (temporary) break up I lost my senses and became very aggressive and violent towards him. After a long day of fighting and aggression on my part he wouldn't open the door for me when I showed up to his house. In my rage I wanted to hurt him but because I couldn't I went home and took 2 bottles of anti-anxiety medication. Realizing what I had done, I called 911 and he rest is a blur (ambulance, intake, treatment). He was notified by a neighbor friend that I had been taken to the hospital and showed up. The next day he was angry at me. Said I took the pills to manipulate him. We broke up. I continued therapy and then about a month later we got back together. It's been a month of both of us trying hard to make things work but my BPD triggers continue to activate. He looks uncomfortable around me sometimes and still excludes me from social/public life even though we're now dating openly (after 1 year).


We're now about 3 months short of a 2-year relationship. He is not divorced yet. He admitted to me that he is constantly worried about my wellbeing, that he isn' 100% sure he wants to be in the relationship but that he is willing to try to make it work. I am feeling insecure about who I am to him and am beginning to feel depressed, anxious, paranoid again. Triggers.


When things are good, we have so much fun and are so affectionate with each other. We spend a lot of time together and literally sleep with our bodies tangled up and holding each other tight, and our faces as though we were kissing. BUT when it's bad, it's bad.


I need advice from you all. Please!

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Hi. First of all, I really, really commend you on the help that you are getting. You should be very, very proud of yourself that you are in therapy. Borderline Personality Disorder is a very difficult condition to live with and difficult to treat, so be proud of yourself.


The relationship sounds chaotic. It also bothers me that he is not divorced yet, that can add to the chaos. The violence makes the relationship now a dangerous one for him. I think you should ask your therapist how to proceed with the relationship. You can even ask if your bf can come in for a few sessions. Also, take a step back and really think about why you took those pills. No offense, but manipulativeness is a big problem with people who have borderline personality disorder. You have a long road ahead of you. Relationships are difficult under the best of circumstances. Having a condition like can make things very hard. If he really does have narcissitic traits, that will make the relationship even more difficult. Manipulativeness is a big part of narcissitic personality disorder as well. So, try to take some steps back and examine your behavior...and his. Talk about the fact that your bf thinks you tried to manipulate him. Try to go easy with the R and yourself. Take care of yourself and do not abuse your pills. I commend your honesty.

Edited by CopingGal
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