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Missing Teen, should I post this here?


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I hope I don't get in trouble for this. I have to go back to studying and I don't have time to inquire LS people and wait for their response. So I figure, I'll just post this here and deal with the consequences. Someone posted this on facebook and I thought it was a good chance to reach other people by putting this here.


There's a teen missing who needs her medication. Are we allowed to post such things?



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I would assume by this section being titled "Coping" and that having nothing to do with coping, no. As much of a good deed as it is. Theres not that many people who will click on this link and the forum has users spread out across the world, it will be of very minimal use in my opinion.

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This is way off topic for this forum. There are people from all over the world here so 99.9999999999% are nowhere near where this person is missing so would not be able to help anyway. A local city forum would be a better place to post this.


There is a "Current Events" forum under the "Off Topic" Category here at LS that would be more appropriate.


You can imagine what this forum would turn into if everyone decided to post off topic things they thought were important.


It also looks sneaky that you are pretending to ask if it is okay to post something, while at the same time posting it.


From the Love Shack Question and Answers forum -


"So, in the future, the first person to take a thread off topic may be subject to 15 days of moderation...that is, having their posts reviewed by moderators before being put up in the forums. The remainder will just get an infraction for being off topic.


There is no reason to go off topic. We even have an entire thread devoted to off topic posts. If you have attention deficit disorder or any other problem that would keep you from staying on topic in a thread, GO TO THE OFF TOPIC THREAD!


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Okay so I put it in the Off topic section. Thanks. But you know, my heart was in the right place and as I explained I did not have time to look at the rules, I had to go, but I had to do something to help this person.

But thanks it won't happen again.

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