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Female Condoms?!?!

Robert J

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Most of the time when i stop to put a condom on, i get distracted and lose my erection. I have asked my GF, if she could use female condoms, so it would take pressure of me, but she says NO, and says, she does not feel like it, that she has not used them before. Then I asked if you could have unprotected where I would withdraw before ejaculation, she said she used to have that with her EX, but now she decided that she was making a mistake and does not want to do it with me.....


is she being selfish, what is wrong with female condoms? I said i am going thru trouble here, and want to make love to her, int hebeginning at least she could help me out by using female condoms, but she says NO.


I used to have unprotected with my previous, cause she was on a pill...now my current GF seems to not care at all and I dont want to get stuck on oral sex with her for a long time.


It would make a huge difference, knowing that I dont have to fumble around to put them on and pressure myself not to lose erection, i am just inexperienced with condoms.....


WHy do you think she does not want female condoms...is she being unreasonable??? it makes me wonder that she does not care about me at all....need little support from her, and dont know what to think....


any thoughts, comments...advice....any extra large condomgs there, easy to put on maybe...need help....cause she wont help i guess

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Well, unfortunatley, there aren't very many forms of birth control that are comfortable, easy to use or don't involve pharmaceutical interction.


I can understand why she doesn't want to go on the pill. I'm on the pill, but it's a huge problem for me because I have a lot of sensitivity to the synthetic progesterone that every form of pharamceutical contraception uses. This includes IUDs, Norplant, and every pill available.


Female condoms are, plainly, uncomfortable and squeaky. Yes, when I used them they made this irritating squeaking sound and it was very uncomfortable.


The sponge is available online, but is only about 70-80% effective. Those odds suck.


Cervical caps or diaphragms are very sensitive to body changes, so if your girlfriend has any weight flucutations at all, the efficacy of these devices goes WAY down.


Spermacides are good for some women. For others, it causes recurring UTIs (urinary tractinfections). Too many of these causes kidney damage and infertility.


A good idea is to open the package of the male condom while in foreplay, that way when it gets down to business, you can just "grab and go".


If she wants to experiment with the other methods listed above, that's fine. But I know, speaking for myslef and othe rwomen on the pill, it really sucks ot have to change your body hemistry adn have the entire burden of birth control on your shoulders. I get morning sickness every day for teh first two weeks after myperiod because of my pill.

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I understand why you're hurting; I agree that it's a little selfish for your girlfriend not to try the female condom but frankly the idea of the female condom really turns me off too so I can understand her feelings.


Would a compromise help? Maybe she can take your matters into her own hand and put the condom on you as part of the foreplay... Her touch would keep you stimulated and keep you both involved in the events leading up to the big moment.


I can also give good reviews on using the spermicides... there are some that even release a nice hot sensation as it dissolves, quite a turn-on. I'll warn you, however, that it might feel a little messy afterward. And like Nina said, some women are susceptible to infections after using them... but it's a worthwhile experiment if your girlfriend agrees.

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