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? Ladies I need some


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So I've been dating a single mother for the past couple months. We both are single parents btw. Well everything is fine, but when I asked to move it to a relationship status she said no not right now. We act like we are in one but she doesn't want to put a title on it. I told her that it makes me feel "insecure" and she just said I don't want a relationship with you that Im fine with what we have.(we do have sex btw) she also won't give me a reason, but she says theres a million but she can't think of them off the top of her head. So do I kick her to the curv or stick it out and hope she comes around? Ladies is she using me?

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If you just enjoy the friendship or whatever and let everything ride just like it is...and don't press for anything more, I promise you in time she will be asking you the question. Meanwhile, don't be so available to her...don't let her take you for granted...don't make her so sure she's got you. Do things without her...have a life away from her. The less you seem like you need her the more her interest will peak. Sorry, that's just the way it is.


Don't ever let her know what you're doing. Be very natural in your actions and never, ever act jealous whatever happens.

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Did she say that she doesn't want a relationship right now? or that she doesn't want a relationship with YOU?


Big difference!


I think it's normal for people to want to take things slowly, particularly after the ravages of divorce and the hurt that that brings. Plus, there's the issue of doing what's best for the kids and jumping into a relationship (with the possibility of blending families) is probably too much too soon.


However, if she said she doesn't want a relationship with YOU, then I'd take her at her word and move on.


In any case, I find her lack of communication to be of concern. It would be nice if she were able to share some of her thoughts - even if it's only to say, "Hey, I'm scared sh*tless! and I just need some space."

Edited by ja123
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Well, is she seeing / sleeping with other people? If she tells you she isn't, do you believe her?


Tell her, okay I can respect your wishes, and then set up a date with someone else.


I agree to be less available to her.

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Yrs, I agree you should date others. Don't hide it from her though, but she can't expect you to just wait around without at least some conversation about it. A million reasons but can't think of one? What a BS line.

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