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Re: when the bad out weigh the good

Tony T

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In my own personal opinion, if you have to sit down and make a list to help you decide whether you want to be with someone or not, GET WAY, LEAVE, AND JUST FORGET IT.


List making is excellent use of the practical side of the brain. However, if we love and care about somebody we realize their imperfections and are able to live with them. If we have to make a list, there are obviously faults and imperfections that stand out and are hurdles way too difficult for love to surmount.


Love is not a sport, where you keep a score card and rank the other person on various criteria. Love is something that is scored by feelings and observations.


Any self-respecting guy who is rational and sane would leave you in a heartbeat if he saw the list you have prepared for the World Wide Web. Confront him with this list and tell him you do not feel this is the stuff of romance and you are out of here!!! No decent guy would want to be with a girl who felt he had those qualities, even if he did (and I don't for a minute doubt your judgements on your list).


Now, he probably does have the qualities you have on your list...which is why he should let you go and why you should dump him!!!


If you are EVER with a guy you have to make a list like this on, just forget making the list and get away from him. Every person in the world has their good points and their bad. But you have to go with your general feelings about the person and the relationship, not by the point system.

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Well, they did it to me again. They removed their original post and left my reply just dangling out here. But I think it's pretty good stuff anyway...and I have no password to remove it...so, as usual, it looks stupid sitting here all by itself.

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Frankly, I find it rather entertaining when somebody does this to Tony!!!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


And then Tony always puts another post on there saying "(GODAMNIT) They did it to me Again!!!"


Funny stuff


Makes me laugh

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tony i really appreciate your response to my question. i needed the advice.

In my own personal opinion, if you have to sit down and make a list to help you decide whether you want to be with someone or not, GET WAY, LEAVE, AND JUST FORGET IT. List making is excellent use of the practical side of the brain. However, if we love and care about somebody we realize their imperfections and are able to live with them. If we have to make a list, there are obviously faults and imperfections that stand out and are hurdles way too difficult for love to surmount. Love is not a sport, where you keep a score card and rank the other person on various criteria. Love is something that is scored by feelings and observations. Any self-respecting guy who is rational and sane would leave you in a heartbeat if he saw the list you have prepared for the World Wide Web. Confront him with this list and tell him you do not feel this is the stuff of romance and you are out of here!!! No decent guy would want to be with a girl who felt he had those qualities, even if he did (and I don't for a minute doubt your judgements on your list). Now, he probably does have the qualities you have on your list...which is why he should let you go and why you should dump him!!! If you are EVER with a guy you have to make a list like this on, just forget making the list and get away from him. Every person in the world has their good points and their bad. But you have to go with your general feelings about the person and the relationship, not by the point system.


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I get the gist of Tony's message, even without the original posting. I realize now realize that every time I have resorted to making a list of a lover's good or bad qualities, it is because I am in desperation to get out of a bad relationship and am using the list as a justification, one more reason, to leave.


Tony is right. When something is good, you don't even think of making pro and con lists. You are not tolerating bad behavior until it gets to the point where you have so many cons on one side of the page, you wonder about your own self-esteem for staying with the guy. Good relationships engender the feeling of gratitude, not criticism.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha And then Tony always puts another post on there saying "(GODAMNIT) They did it to me Again!!!" Funny stuff Makes me laugh
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