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Now talking,but so confussed :S


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Hi,me and my girl have been talking since sunday,she says she wants to try again,but everytime we chat on the phone she seems to deliberatly hurt and upset me,till im in tears,its been going on from the early hours of sunday till the phone call i made this morning,theres no emotion from her whatsoever,i tell her that i love her,and im still in love with her and i want her in my life,she cant say she loves me,or wants me,and i just feel im being prolonged from healing my broken heart,she also said she doesnt know what she now feels for me,and its so painful for me when im pouring my heart out on a phone saying nice warming things to cheer her up,and mostly all i get is hurt,i really dont know what to think anymore,im trying so hard to fix the relationship,but what im doing doesnt seem to mean anything,i still feel as if ive lost something in my life.i love her that much it hurts :( we all make mistakes,im no exeption,ive made mistakes,we both have,i just dont know what else to do to make everything ok.


Please help

Thank You

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Maybe try asking for her forgiveness? Sometimes that helps people with anger let it go a bit. Of course, I don't know the exact situation and who is more at fault, but that doesn't matter so much I don't think. Just tell her what you are sorry about then ask for forgiveness. It would be best to do this face-to-face.


Also, notice there is a "Second Chances" forum that you may get more help/insight from:


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