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Am i too jealous??

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ok i dont know where to start...ive been really jealous of my girlfreind lately. I mean we both say we are in love with eachother and i broke up with her 3 times already and she got outta a year relationship with another guy bout 8 months ago and she said she was still in love with me the whole time but couldnt trust me.


but what i really need to know is if im too insecure. like whenever she gets around another guy i freak out if im not there. and we always fight when she stays at her freinds house because her ex shows up there sometimes to see her freind. i just get really mad whenever she gets around another guy and i dont know if thats wrong or right? please help me on this im lost should i just stop getting so jealous because she tells me i have nothing to worry about cus im the only guy she will ever want but im just not sure please help thanks.

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Everyone gets jealous at one time or another. It's normal to get slightly jealous when someone you are involved with flirts or show attention to someone else. Extreme jealousy from ones insecurity is another issue.


There's all sorts of scenarios here - is she intentionally trying to provoke you into being jealous, is your jealousy something unfounded and maybe just conjured up in your mind because of your own insecurity?


No matter how jealous you are you can never keep an eye on your girlfriend at all times - either people are faithful or they are not. It's hard to control jealousy - I know - I've been jealous myself.


I'm jealous of women with better bodies than myself, I'm jealous when my husband looks at other women - but what can I do other than make a fool out of myself by hitting him on the head.


I found the best way to handle jealousy is to do everything possible not to let it show. Don't bring attention to it - try to force yourself to get your mind off of it and just tell yourself "I'm a terrific person - they are lucky to be with me".


Wish there was a magic cure for the green eyed monster!

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I just wanna add that being too jealous and over-reacting about your girl being around another guy can cause her to push you away. I would do what AquaGenie suggested and just hold it back and not draw attention to it. But you don't wanna hold it in all the time, because that's just like a timebomb waiting to explode. If she keeps doing things that make you jealous then you need to talk to her and come to some sort of compromise. I really don't have any suggestions of what to do because i myself have never been the jealous type. I'm just saying you need to just chill out a bit because eventually your just gonna end up annoying her.

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Jelousy is not fun. Although those who say "Everyone goes through it" are right. No one likes the idea of having to share their significant other, but stuff happens. The best thing to do though is get it off your mind. Next time something happens and that jelousy starts to rise up, just go off and find something constructive to do, then after you calm down some look at the situation logically, then the most important thing is to talk it out. Cause if you don't get it off your chest then all it's going to do is slowly eat away at you. Just be cool when doing it. Don't jump into the conversation all swelled up with anger and start yelling and/or throwing accusations at someone. Cause 9 out 10 times if you confront someone and start pointing the finger of blame at them, they are going to just dismiss it off by giving you a response which will not be satisfactory. Which will probably cause a bigger problem in the end. Just make sure that things stay relevant, don't allow the convo to drift off on to dead issues. In the end just make sure that they know how you feel, and how what they are affects you.

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