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Hi all

I dated a man for 5 years. He is now 63 (a dashing ,nice looking gent)and I'm 48. We share the same birthday.

We have done most everything together aside from him going with his sister or his son(farming stuff). He has involved me in his family holidays, and his grand daughter's are 5 and I've been invited to every thing with them..held them at birth .. We have gone metal detecting 4 of the 5 years together. We started out as just good friends. We loved cooking together, and sleeping together(our sex is awesome). I have my own apt and he has his house.

We've talked about living together so we didn't have to travel 25 miles each time.

He kept telling me how much he loved me. He even finally said the M word.


He told me that he had some old classmates coming to stay with him for 2 weeks.

He said he needed some time with them, but he would call me...

He did. He called me and I asked him when he could get away to see me. He couldn't but in 3 more days they would be gone.

Then he told me that only one classmate came alone and was a woman. A highschool sweetheart.

He said she has her bed and I have mine. I'm faithful to you.

I didn't believe him.. and one night at 1am I drove up walked into his house (some of my things were there)went to his bedroom flipped on the light, and there they were. His arms were wrapped around her body. They instantly looked like 2 OLD people sleeping together. (They ARE both 63..)

I couldn't get mad but got ornery and said to him: I'm here now my love , so she can leave , can you sleep with me now?" (they were drunk)..

He was shocked I showed up I think, and yes he did move to the couch. I slept on one end he on the other. She came downstairs and was bitching that he sure had himself a hellish mess, and he sheepishly agreed. She was going to the other classmates RV,, and I told her : "you can sleep in the bed, you're not hurting nothing" she got really mad then,I was smiling of course. I then moved to the bed and asked him to join me but he did not. I got up the next dat and left at 6am. Not a word spoken to him yet.

But I ripped the $330 xmas gift he gave me, a pic of wolves and sent him the scraps and a letter of "we are done". Needless to say , she went back to his house the next day,(found out when I called him to try to get together to talk).And decided to stay until June 12th. .. My counselor told me : "he will call you to come back after she leaves, and try to make you see there was nothing going on but friendship, but don't believed him" I am SO hurt and I still am in love with him, so how do I release that feeling? Do you think he has a problem with sleeping around or do you think he got scared saying the M word or what? I'm hurt and not wanting him one minute ; then I'm wanting him and willing to forgive the whole thing once she is gone.. I'm a mess thanks to him... Suggestions plz

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You posted your story before and we all told you that this guy is a loser and a jerk. And nobody could figure out why you'd stick with him. I think you need to get counselling because you seem not to be able to shake yourself loose from this loser.

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Moi, she already said she was getting counselling. Its either not working or she's not really going.


Kari, isn't this your posting?

OK... everyone that tried to get me to see the light...

I'm looking at this as an experience I never want to go through again... I gave my heart and can't get it back so a long hurt is there and will be awhile before I can get back in the world and trust anyone..


I'm reading other forums here and understanding that it was not my fault he strayed. I just need to go "cold turkey" and move on in my life..... there are other more wonderful loving men out there and probably getting passed on because they aren't good looking.. but looks are not the full issue of finding a full time life mate right? It comes from within....


I'm learning....


I'm getting older.. not looking for gorgeous men.. but for helpful, loving, nurturing, men and if he ain't got much money? Who cares?


Money does not buy happiness....

Thats what this guy had .. and obviously had nothing else.




If money does not buy happiness, and you just wrote he didn't have anything else, then you must be in life for the $ not the happiness.

You were SO close...in this posting it looked like you were on the right track. Maybe print it out and put it on the fridge as a reminder that you are moving on now.

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you must peg me as really stupid.. but I took it for what it is.. I was in shock..ok?


And my close friends saw that. And I met a highschool undergraduate tonight.. 2 years younger then me.. we had fun... so I'm mending ..ok?

In due time.. We don't ALL do it the same...

I am just a friend so far with this guy but he likes me and hopes to see me again.. cool huh?


thanks for all the notes...I knew I looked like a dummy tgo you but I knew I wasn't. Just to think it thru..I've not been around like some of ya.

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the old guy ? flaunted his money to get what he wanted.. I fell for the bait... dummy me....

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I'm sorry, but you've completely ruined my night with images of drunk, old (63 y/o) people f*cking.


Anyway. Yes. Good for you that you found someone your age, if that's what you wanted. :)



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