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Office sponsored events outside of work to go or not to go

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I am talking about Christmas and retirement parties. I really hate these things, but worry about if missing them all the time will hurt me professionally. I hate seeing the kiss as-es doing their thing and all of the other superficial banalites that go on. How important are these and how much much am I hurting myself by avoiding these things altogether?

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Feelin Frisky

Getting known and respected can be critical. It's been said many times that it's not WHAT you know but WHO you know that gives you mobility. This i not to say that merely attending a Christmas party is good in and of itself. I you want to advance in this job however, you should consider that other work-related social events are chances to get known--assuming you're not known for being the one who drank too much and needed help off the floor. You never know what's brewing in other people's heads and a social event is a way to find out a lot of things. Don't think of it as kissing ass. Just think of it as dealing with the realities that promotions and favoritism exist and once in a while it can come down to who they trust versus someone else to interact socially and reflect better on the company. Of course, sometimes it does not matter how much politicking you do and power positions will favor only their hand-picked. There is very little if any loyalty to people who actually do the job every day--they bring in some stranger who has academic credentials, hire them and then feel bound to defend their choices by advancing these management hirees regardless of how well anyone else actually holds the business together and makes decisions that save the company's ass every day. This is just how it is.

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I don't like them, either, but I think it's important to go, if not to everything, then at least regularly. I just try to laugh (silently) at the bs and otherwise build relations with people I actually appreciate. Just that people know your face can important for you later. Team up with someone who is like minded and try to make the best out of it.

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