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My husband had a stroke


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My wonderful husband, who is still with us and doing well now, had a stroke on superbowl sunday. It was so frightening. His health is poor and he's at high risk for a massive stroke - even though we are doing everything the doctors say.


We can't get is blood pressure under control and he would not survive surgery. One artery in his neck is 100% blocked and the other is 50% - they won't even consider risking surger to put in a stent unless its 70% blocked. But the risk of more plaque breaking loose and causing a series of 'mini-strokes' or TIA's is high - as is having a massive stroke. We've been married 25 1/2 years - together nearly 28 years. I can't imagine being without him. I'm very scared and I'm also treasuring every second we have together.


Through all our problems over the years, we are closer now than ever and am just so darn scared. I'm forcing myself not to hover over him and to try to keep my own stress level down, but it's hard. I'm on anti-anxiety meds myself now and had a scare of my own last week when I was having chest pains. I'm seeing a cardiologist next week because I apparently have some heart problems of my own.


I have a hard time driving - hubby always drives, but now I'm having to because he's losing his eyesight too. He is only 61! That may seem old to many of you - but let me tell you, in our hearts and minds we still feel (and often act) like a couple of teenagers. Our Minds and spirits are not old and it's just too soon for this to be happening. There is no such thing as "growing old gracefully" - that is BS to the nth degree!


Thanks for letting me vent.

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See also this thread.


IME as a caregiver, I developed health symptoms (pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, etc) while under the stress of caring for a psychotic patient. Counseling helped a lot with how to manage stress better and my health has returned to it's prior healthy state now that mom has passed and the stress of dealing with her and my failing M has subsided.


Please accept my sympathies in this difficult time. We'll be here to support and pray for you and your family. You're not alone.

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Be very careful to take the best care of yourself that you can during this difficult time. It's a fact that people who find themselves in a caregiving situation are at great health risks themselves.


61 is young. My husband just turned 60 and he smokes. Not only does my heart go out to you and your husband, your story also makes me scared.


All the positive thoughts and feelings I can muster are going your way. Best of everything possible to you.

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I don't really have any advice, I just wanted to express my deep sympathies. I hope you also find time to take good care of yourself. All the best.

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I'm glad to see an update, I was worried..


To help relax you and rid of some of the stress, try deep breathing and yoga. even if you can't do many positions, some stretches and slowly breathing in and out while saying positive things can really help the body and mind find and feel more at peace.

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