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"I don't know if she/he fancies me!"


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How many of you find it hard to recognize if somebody is remotely interested in you at all?


I admit that I have always struggled, and even with the amount of books I have read and situations I've forced myself into, I STILL don't really notice if someone is interested in me, other than if they are practically staring at me.


How's your radar?? :laugh:

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I think mine is pretty good.


Books and articles aside, the principle always comes down to," Do they pay attention to you?" If there is attention paid that is equal or greater than the attention you pay to them, then it's probably a good bet that they fancy you.

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So so. I have a lot of outgoing people around me so it's sometimes hard to tell whether they are interested in me or just being friendly. The same is true about me as well. A little time does usually tell however.

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I actually assume that they are NOT interested, until they really come out with it and ask me for a phone # or ask me out, etc.


Sometimes a smile is just a smile, so I don't see that as a sign. I smile at everyone cuz I'm happy and friendly, it doesn't mean that I'm interested (in all occasions), so I don't assume that they are either.

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I don't have trouble with this. You know someone is interested when you don't wonder if they are or not. They make it clear.


Unless you are speaking of strangers out on the street. But in dating, if I go out with a guy, his level of attentiveness during and after the date tells me all I need to know.


I used to make excuses and hope guys meant things they didn't exactly say...or just hope they really liked me but were sooo busy so once a week was all they could squeeze in. If you're making excuses like that, it's a lost cause.

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In my 31 years of life ive gone above and beyond to search for signs and 99% of the time theyres nothing i can even misinterpret as interest from women or a sign.


The few time a womens seemed evne semi interested in conversation with me i tried convincing myself she likes me but it wasnt the case..

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The few times I had girls give me enough attention that I thought they were into me, they ended up having boyfriends.


I've also had girls back out of dates, because I interpreted their flirtiness as interest, turns out they just wanted to be friends :rolleyes:


Right now the most common advice I've received, is that if a girl is too flirty, she's not interested.


So some how I have to be able to recognize the small window between friendly/not flirty, and too flirty. And TheBigQuestion, said that me thinking women aren't complex is a self limiting belief, in the simple men thread.

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