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How do I/should I proceed with this girl?


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Hello everyone, I am going to try to make this as short as possible so as not to consume a significant portion of your time, but your help will be greatly appreciated:


Last year I started college and met a girl in the first class I had. We were put into the same project group from the professor and, since it was a computer class, I started talking to her through Facebook during the class. The first thing I saw is that she had a boyfriend, and I was disappointed because she is smart and beautiful. It turns out her boyfriend lives in another country that is about 4000 miles away, from which her parents are originally from. Regardless of that fact, however, we continued talking and we have had classes together in every semester since then, this semester we planned our classes together, so we are in four classes together in the current semester.


Between the first semester and now, we have slowly been getting closer. We were good friends by the end of last year but we didn't see each other at all over summer vacation, a month of which she was outside of the US with her boyfriend.


This school year has been the most progressive since we see each other all of the time in and out of classes, we usually hang out between classes and we are each others best friend's in college although out of college we each have better friends. I know that she thinks I'm hilarious and I know for a fact that she is attracted to me, but I guess my dilemma lies in my competition with her boyfriend. I told her that I wanted to be more than just friends with benefits with her and she said replied with "serious relationships suck."


Last November was probably the peak of our relationship because, although her boyfriend and her break up every three days(literally), she broke up with him and said she was completely done with him. I took her word for it and her interest in me really reached a new high. She texted me about how we liked to be together and how much she liked me, she flirts with me all the time and started touching me as we talked (putting her hand on my thigh and rubbing her foot up and down my leg), and eventually asked, in a subtle way, when we were going to kiss. I replied that it would happen at the right time. So, one day, as we were walking through a courtyard at our school after our classes had ended, I tried to kiss her but she told me not to. She is kind of shy and she said that she didn't want to do it in front of everyone else. Later that night, she texted me and said that she felt really bad and I told her it was all right and that it was my fault for trying to kiss her. A few days later, she changed her relationship status on Facebook(I hate Facebook) so that she was in a relationship with her boyfriend again, and she didn't tell me about it.


Nothing really has changed since then, she still texts me all the time, but I only text her once in a while because I am really trying to be careful not to get stuck in the friendzone; I dont want to become too good of friends with her, she still doesn't know much of what I do when I'm not at school. She still flirts with me and touches me and still thinks I'm really funny, but, as she has always done, sometimes tells me when she sees a hot guy. She tells me about conversations she has with hot guys, I'll be honest, some of them are more attractive than me. For example, there is another guy who sits on the other side of her in one of our classes that she told me she thinks is really hot. She tried talking to him and I saw her touch him once while I was sitting right next to her (I pretended I didnt notice), but he didn't show any interest in her. After a while, when we were talking about him once about our project we were doing with him, she said, out of nowhere, that she realized that I am hotter than he is. I acted confused while smiling and said something like "oh ok, whatever." Besides that, she often tells me who she thinks shes hot or who shes interested in.


To tell you the truth, I have no idea what to do right now. She still constantly breaks up with her boyfriend. She might have been reluctant to be in a relationship with me because I think her parents want her to marry her own ethinicity and I am only 25% of what she is. I just dont know and I hope you can help me, thanks!

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She broke up with her boyfriend and you still don't get no play?! You are just getting pulled along on a string friend.


You NEED to start dating or seeing other girls ASAP.

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Forget about anything happening between you two. She's not 100% into her boyfriend if she's breaking up with him every other day and ogling other guys, but she's definitely not interested in anything more with you. Spend less time with her. Focus on other women who won't play games with you.

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I finally told her how she was leading me on and that I wanted to be more than just friends with her and she said she wanted that too. Now she is leaving her boyfriend for me. Do you think I can have a lasting relationship with her?

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