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I dont know what to do....

just makinghimhappy

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just makinghimhappy

Please somone help me I slept withmy ex a few times in the last week we I guess are friends with benifits now well is there away to tell if ur preg with out a test please somone help me

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is there away to tell if ur preg with out a test please somone help me


No. If your period is late, get a home pregnancy test, or go to your doctor. We can't respond to specific medical inquiries or give medical advice, diagnose a sexually transmitted infection, or tell you whether or not you are pregnant.


Did you use any protection at all? How old are you?


If you're going to continue sleeping with your ex, you need to be responsible about it. Even if you're taking birth control pills/shot/patch (which I guess you're not, since you're having a pregnancy scare), have him use condoms. Every time. Especially since you're not in a relationship with this guy, you need to protect yourself against pregnancy and STD's.


Good Lord. I hope you aren't pregnant.



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just makinghimhappy

Im on birthcontrol and we have had sex a bunch of times i cant go buy a pg test and im 17 he says if i ever ended up preg that we would get married and i beileave him because why he is an ex is becuase he turned 18 an dwe had to but we are still seeing eachother but no onw knows

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