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My life has no direction, I don't know what I want to do.

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I don't know what I want to do. As I get older I feel like I'm throwing away my life. I'm currently a 2nd year student with not so great grades. I know I'm more than capable of getting good grades, but I'm not interested. I find myself bored with anything that comes my way. The only thing I have pursued has been my current relationship, but I feel that if I don't find or set some goals I will lose the one I love. I'm really confused because I cannot set any goals for myself or I cant find a path to follow. I'm sorry if I come out as confused but that is how I feel. I fear the future because I do not know what I want.


I really do feel hopeless. If anyone has any input they can provide or has been through similar circumstances please reply.

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Talk to your doctor and get checked for depression. I wish the best of luck :)

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I second that. When you lose your zest for life, that is a sign of depression, and there are good treatments available. For sure go to your doctor ASAP.

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