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well i am 15 an this has happened to me all my life. i have never thought much about it but in recent years it has been getting worse so I thought maybe i could see if it happens to anyone else.


well basicaly what it is is:


No matter where I am, what position I am in, or for how long (even if its just a few seconds) anytime I stand up or move after sitting or lying down, even if it was just a few seconds, the moment I stand up or try to take a few steps I get extremly dizzy and my vison goes black and I cant see anything. I usualy lean or start to fall over also. Its sort of like fainting, only with out actualy passing out. It used to only happen on occasion but now it has been happining almost every time I stand up. It happened a few minutes ago where I layed on the pourch swing and when I stood up It was really bad I couldnt move or see andf I got really dizzy.


Sometimes it takes a few minutes for it to set in, sometimes I make it all the way from one room to another first, but it has been happing almost every tiem and it always catches up to me.

My knees get weak and i can hardly stand and everything gets dark and its very scary.


Like I said it has happened to me since b4 I can remeber, but latly it has been getting worse.


Does anyone know what this is?> or why it happens to me? Does it happen to anyoen else?


thanks bc like I said it has been getting worse and more often and it is kidna scary.


It is particulary starting to worry me bc I am going to a boot/summer camp (for good kids not bad!) and we do alot of physical exercise and latyl when we have been practicing I get dizzy or faint and it bother me bc I dont want it to affect my preformace at camp- the PT is a big part of passing it,a dn its worth 1/2 a collage credit, and a job in ROTC next year.


Also I am not on any medication or alegic to anything, it that matters any.

Thanks again


Angel :bunny:

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get your blood pressure tested.

It could be that your heartbeat is slow. (which in itself is not bad!)

I used to have that very same problem for a while and my doctor said it was associated with low blood pressure.


Do you eat regularly? Is your weight average? Are you very skinny?

It can also be linked to need of carboidrathes.


Anyway, go to a doctor as soon as you can. It could be one of the problems above, but it could not.

And you need a check.

No advice you get here can replace a real doctor's diagnosis.

Try to get cured before you actually faint , land on concrete and hurt yourself.

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You should never, ever leave something like this a long time without having your doctor check it. It could be blood pressure. It could be epilepsy. It could be a serious heart condition. Get to a doctor fast and tell that doctor every single thing you told us and anything else important. Most ailments won't kill you IF you get them treated. It's when you ignore them too long that they finish you off.

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Errrr... I dont know... like I said it has been happining all my life and asides from being scary it has never actualy hurt me, just worrys me. I hate doctors hate them hate them hate them and plus my father (whome I live with) doesnt beilve in going to a doctor unless it is a last option (he broke his foot and waited a week to go)

And my mom, who I am going to visit soon, doesnt even like me taking soup out of the microwave bc she is so protective. I got a cold once when I visited her and she wanted to take me to the emergancy room! If she thought anything was wrong wsith me she would make me live at the hospital for the rest of my life and stand over my shoulder the whole time...even if he said I was fine!


is there anything you know of that has similar symptoms?




Angel :bunny:

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You need to get this checked by a doctor, and you should do it before you continue with your strenuous exercise. It sounds like you might be experiencing orthostatic hypotension, a drop in your blood pressure when you stand up. A lot of people experience this when they are on medications for high blood pressure. Of course you're not on any medications.


There may a very simple cause for this, such as anemia (low blood), or dehydration (not drinking enough fluids), but sometimes there can be some serious problems with your heart or nervous system that can cause this. It is important to make sure you don't have one of those serious conditions. You need to see a doctor about this.

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Well I have always been slightly interested in Anemia, mostly bc when I was younger I went through a major Vampire phase ( I loved anything to do with them, Buffy, Anne Rice, ect) and Anemia is one of the things that "Vampire Victems" seem to have- or atleast, it was a rumor that if you were drunken from and the police found you they alway put down that you had anemia so that it would explain your low blood count. Now I never beilved that, but still I found the disease itself intresting. I never thought I might have it though- until now. When Matilda threw out that sugjestiong I thought it would be intresting just to see if it was the same symptoms, just bc I thought it would be ironic and i had nothing better to do. Well on the websites I went to (WebMD.com, AnemiaDiagnosis.com, ect) they mostly said the same thing:


Major symptoms of anemia include:


Extreme fatigue


Shortness of breath

Confusion or loss of concentration

Dizziness or fainting

Pale skin, including decreased pinkness of the lips, gums, lining of the eyelids, nail beds and palms

Rapid heart beat (tachycardia)

Feeling cold

Sadness or depression


All of which I have, and have had all of my life. I have never had a depression problem but gerneral I am a sad person (not that anyone would know it bc I always act super happy/hyper/talkitive ect) and my teachers tried to say I had ADD once bc I kept loosing focus and stuff. (I was tested for ADD and didnt have it) . I may just have pale skin because of my Scottish ancetry but no one else in my family really is as pale as me, which I always found a bit strange. The rest of the gernreal symptoms I have had for most of my life and simply ignored. It also said that some symptoms of a more specific kind of Anemia have-


Joint problems

Fingernails that curve outwards (like in an arch) instead of being flat

and have frequent loss of feeling in muscles and limbs


all of which I also have... I thought my shoulder cramp was hereditary but when I asked my dad he told me that his was from and accident and couldnt have affected mine, yet I still have an almost constant painful cramp in my right shoulder.


Also, one of the things that used to frighten me when I was younger was if I slept with any of my legs or arms even slightly bent, I often woke up with absolutly no feeling in them...I could literaly pick up my arm and swing it around like it was someone elses and not feel anything. It used to scare me bc I would think I had died or somthing, yeah stupid I know but I was young. Then I just got used to it and ignored it.


But now...

I think maybe when I go up to my moms I should talk to her about maybe going to a doctor and atleast getting a blood test done...like I said my dad doesnt beilve in doctors but my mom will take me.


I am going to be so sorry if I dont have it anfd I made a fuss over nothing though...


Does anyone here know of anyone with Anemia?




Angel :bunny:





*sticks out her tounge*

*Grabs a stick and pokes it* Ewww now your tounge has stick germs!!!

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It may not be anemia, but whatever it is, you need to see a doctor. There isn't a doctor on the planet who would advise you to think dizzy spells are not serious and a 'fuss over nothing'.

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I wouldn't fixate on anemia, because that may not be the problem at all, I just threw that out there as one of the possible causes. You just need to tell the doctor what you told us in your original post and let him/her figure it out. Tell your Mom and go to the doctor!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi... You Do need to go to the doctor b/c it could b serious i had this problem not all that long ago and i found out that i have a miscommunication between muh heart and brian muh brian tells muh heart to slow down when it is already to slow and it causes me to get dizzy this is very common and there is med. for it and it can go away or could cause you to have a pace maker when u are older..i am on medication for this now and its ALOT better now.. Or this could also b b/c of ur blood sugar. i am also hypoglcimic (sp) I have had ALOT of problems this month... but if u eat lik sumthin with sugar it causes ur blood sugar to go high and as soon as it wears off ur blood sugar drops lik *snaps* that and it causes you to get dizzy.... It started off i went to the doctor b/c i got sick at school n really dizzy n almost past out and they did lik every test you can do and found ALOT of things.. but the dizziness was from the miscommunication between muh heart n brian.. then lik 2 weeks later i got mono :( but Any Doctor should b able to help you with this and i would really suggest you go a.s.a.p b4 it gets worse

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yep, sounds like orthostatic syncope to me...when lying or sitting more blood tends to pool in the lower extremities..when a sudden movement is made to stand..venous return can't compensate fast enough to supply the brain with enough blood...leading to dizziness, fainting, etceteras.

see your doc bud...

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