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Re: HELP ME!!!!

Tony T

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Your boyfriend is an entertainer and you are just beginning to have those feelings??? All people who are on stage, in movies, in bands, on TV, etc., have these groupie chirpies following them around, flirting, and wanting to get in their pants. That's the nature of the business. I have no idea why this is...I am not a girl and am not a groupie (although if Salma Hayek presented herself to me, I could not resist).


It is likely your boyfriend is extremely loyal to you, even with the temptations presented him. He is a professional and if he is working with a well-endowed woman I'm quite certain it is on a professional level, unless you have evidence to the contrary. There are men in almost every profession that work alongside attractive women. Hey, it wasn't that way so much until women demanded equality in the workplace and they have rightly achieved a great measure of it.


Nobody can help you overcome your feelings. This is something you will have to do yourself. If you cannot accept the work he does, the people he works with, the fans, the groupies, the temptations presented to him, etc., then you are with the WRONG man.


The best thing you can do is use your own intuition in this matter. If he is treating you well, if there are no changes in his behavior, if you still love and care about him, if you are doing things together, if he is spending quality time with you, and you are generally happy with the relationship...then you have no basis for jealousy and feelings of betrayal. Why would you feel betrayed if he hasn't betrayed you?


This man has a job to do. Believe it or not, there are men married to professional prostitutes. Their wives to tricks eight hours a day and come home to make LOVE with their husbands. They treat their tricks as just another job. When you started seeing your guy, you knew what he did and you knew who would be around him. Unless there is a compelling reason why you feel he is actually being unfaithful, you have no basis for jealousy or feelings of betrayal.


On the other hand, if you don't trust him or trust the type of work he does, find another guy. It is absolutely unfair to burden him with this stuff so late in the game. As I said, this is his profession, this is the way he makes his money...and if you end up marrying him, this is the way he will support you and your children. Accept it or get out, easy as that. To ask him to quit his job and get some job isolated from the world would be grossly unfair.


So the changes must take place within you. If this man has shown you no reason not to trust him, you are simply being unfair. If he has, discuss it with him, work it out, or take the alternative.


I do wish you happiness and I don't think you should be so concerned.

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Paul Newman, who is known throughout Hollywood for his faithful, successful marriage to Joanne Woodward, has kissed many women on screen. He and his wife knew when to draw the line between real and pretend. They were acting and it was part of entertaining. So I hope you can separate the onstage entertainer from the at-home boyfriend.


The fact that he is with you and not the well-endowed stage partner shows that he values your relationship and wants to come home to you. Now, if your boyfriend is a male stripper or a porn star, then I, personally would not tolerate the situation, because I demand physical exclusiveness.


As far as the other woman having more than you do, that can't be helped. But a real guy with sensitivity and love to give does not use boob size as a criteria for being in a loving relationship. Boobs are easy to purchase and there are so many false ones out there.


hey everyone, i need help someone please help. my boyfriend of 2 years is an entertainer. he's worked for 10 years to get to where he is today. i'm really happy for him and it's great seeing him live out his dream. the problem is he has to do these little things with a woman who is well equiped (which i'm not). and whenever i see these things i feel myself getting jealous and i'll start crying. i'm not with him when he's working so he could be doing anything after he's done working. also from what i understand he's been with a lot of women in his past. someone please help me so i can overcome these feelings of betrayal and jealous.



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