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Good first date and now just friends...?

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I met this girl through a friend at work and starting talking to her. After a few weeks of visiting her at her workplace i finally got her number and we went out on a date. We ended up coming back to my place and making out. While it didn't go past kissing, it was intense. When i dropped her off at home we kissed some more.


We've been talking almost daily since then and i see her at her work on the weekends. I tried talking to her about what we are, if we are dating or a couple eventually or what, but she says we are just friends and she doesnt have time for a boyfriend, that she has a lot of work and school. Why would she kiss me then at my place. She thinks thinks things will be different for her when she moves out and gets an apartment with her friend in November.


I'm really attracted to her and we have a lot of the same goals/ideas etc. What does she mean by this and will she ever have time?

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Oh dear, I hear that I don't the "I don't have time thing" so much on this site. She probably gives all the guys the same deal. Just take what she is willing to offer you and maybe one day in the end you will win.

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its wierd though cause we we still talk when i visit her at work, and she has come over to my place 3 times with her friend

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its funny that your name is trickster because the trick is to not be too aggressive and at the same time not falling into that just friends catagory. You have to walk the thin line.

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yup, follow capitald's advice! Take it easy. Girls are very intrigued by men who are casual about dating. They kind of fall into their own trap! So... be slick, be busy a couple of times when she's there... play a little!

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exactly as curlyiam said


u fell into the friend's category and what she said is just an excuse.


1 date? and you ask if you're a couple??


my friend, you sounded desperate after one date asking if you guys are couples yet...that was one big problem.


1 date doesnt mean anything. if u guys go pass 3 dates...then you should expect something.


plus u said u talk to her everyday and stuff....so im guessing you revealed too much about yourselfand she realized you're not as interesting as she thought you were. This is 1 of the reasons you fell into the friends zone

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monkey is right for giving you a good ass whipping, ;) , still, its not over to the fat lady sings.

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