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What do I do when the girl I want to marry, breaks up with me.

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I need help! I began dating this girl who has five children. We have been dating for about a year and three months. She is everything I ever imagined. We discussed getting married, buying a home, and raising the family. I am 28 years old, she is 31. We are at the point where we need to settle down and take the responsabilities. I know deep in my heart we are meant to be. When she said she didn't want to see me anymore, I broke down.


I was very upset because she leaves, and when I call, she refuses to answer her cell phone. I think she is seeing someone else, but she says she isn't. She always leaves with her friend Rosie, and I'm scared she is trying to fix her up with some guy. I really want this girl and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. At this point, I am so lost. I know she still loves me, but she refuses to get back with me saying she needs alot of alone time right now. What do I do?

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I'm guessing there might be some women out there that are just as cool but don't have 5 kids that you need to be bothered with. Try dating some other women and leave her to her own devices. I suspect she'll come back to you when she realizes very few guys would want to be with a woman that has 5 kids.

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Reality is...you can't live your life trying to please someone or change the way they feel about you. It will never work that way. Let her know how you feel and be as positive as you can...then move on. Don't burn the bridge, but move on. It's best thing you can do for yourself.


She may contact you at some point if you don't burn your bridges. But she most likely will not. You begging and crying to stay with her is going to push her farther away than anything else you could do. All you can do is get on with your life my friend. Try your very best to see past this...for 26+ years you've been just fine without her. There will be another.

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Unlucky In Love

You should quit waiting around for her and start dating other people. I recently broke up with my ex, because he always wanted to see other people. I joined an online dating service and I'm getting offers for 3 or 4 dates a week. There are millions of women in this world and many of them will be right for you!

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