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Trust still gone.....So depressed.

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How long does it take to trust someone after they have broken that trust with another woman? Two years and I still don't think I trust him as much as I should. I think I am suffering from depression.


He flirts with the woman at his job and should he, when he betrayed me? Says it is just being nice to all the younger ones, but flirts jokingly with all the older woman (like 50 and 60). I think I am really depressed. Don't feel good enough about myself. Always feel like he is going to hurt me again, and it bugs the **** out of me. Feel as though it is me.


Still don't trust him, I think I need help.

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Rebuilding trust will depend on a lot of things, but most importantly if you feel he has changed and done enough to show his remorse and willingness to change.


As for the depression, I recommend seeing a doctor. Depression can be very serious and in some cases requires medication.

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once trust is broken it can never really be regained...if you are of sound mind of course. Some ppls is just crazy...I'm almost on that edge ;)


seriously, it can't...bro in law messed up trust with my sis but not in the cheating way. They still love each other and married but it's not that 100% anymore, but I'd say 90-95% and that's not too bad :)

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