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Is she being friendly or flirty?


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Things that she does/has done:

She will approach me if she sees me.

She touches me (playful hitting, she will come up behind and poke/grab, messes with my hair)

We will text back and forth some times, but not often. (for some reason she told me that she is a bad texter, I hear this often and am convinced it's code for something lol)

She will have me pop/crack her back and sometimes massage her shoulders, neck, and back.

I will occasionally notice she is looking at/towards me when the situation doesn't necessarily call for it and as soon as I initiate eye contact she will dart her eyes away. (if one of us are talking to the other she will maintain eye contact)

She will give compliments or words of inspiration.

If she says something negative about a guy, and realizes I have the same or similar qualities she will back track or say 'it's different for you'

Lately she has been beginning to trail off or mumble when we talk, although, other friends (girls) have noticed this as well.

If she thinks that I look upset she will ask if everything is ok (and usually they are times when I actually do have something troubling on my mind, even if I'm trying to seem upbeat)

Encouraged me to stop smoking (successful for 3-4 weeks and counting!!)

Laughs at things I have to say, a lot (I can't tell sometimes if it's genuine or just a nervous chuckle though)

Used to call me by a nickname that some mutual friends gave me but when she realized I wasn't so keen of it she stopped.

We've held hands twice (grade school stuff, I know):

1. We were in the university cafeteria and she was going to get dessert and I had started to ask her to grab something for me but instead said that I would get it myself. Then I think she said something to the effect of 'we can go look at the desserts together' which caused her roommate to say 'aww how cute, you guys should hold hands' so I grabbed her hand and we skipped towards the dessert area for about 5 seconds or so and then stopped and let go of her hand as we walked the rest of the way. I took this as somewhat of a joke/didn't think much into it at the time.

2.we we're at a ministry retreat with multiple schools and at the end of it the group from our university had a separate reflection from the others. I was pretty emotional because a)I've just recently been exploring my faith and I had some serious eye openers and b)I was feeling ignored, or unappreciated for some reason. After our reflection was over she grabbed my hand and took me to a very secluded area of the building we were in. When she stopped she just hugged me and said some kind things. She apologized and said that she had previously judged a lot of people and that I was one of them and told me I didn't deserve that and how bad she felt for doing so. Then we just kinda held each other without saying anything for 2 minutes or so. It was easily one of the most comfortable hugs I'd ever had and hugs generally make me feel awkward. This 'moment' we shared is what made me start thinking and noticing the things that I have listed above.


I know most of you are thinking "what a dumb ass, it's so obvious" (and honestly that's what I'm thinking as well), but here is what makes me question her actions:

The way we have come to know each other was because 4 months ago I had began to 'talk to' her roommate (the one who suggested we hold hands). We talked for three months, went on a couple dates, she had me visit over Christmas break and I met her mom and friends. I'm not sure if I was just too available or what the deal really was but a month ago she told me she just wanted to be friends because she didn't feel like she could reciprocate my feelings for her and didn't want either of us to get hurt. But for some reason she also told me that she'd probably get jealous if I were to start dating anyone else. I decided I'd keep on with what I was doing but have found that she just isn't as into 'us' as she previously seemed to be. It got to the point where I actually felt hurt by some of her actions so I decided that was it and conceded my attempts at a relationship with her. During the time we were talking, I became friends with her roommates and they eventually ended up in the same circle of friends as I'm in.


Now my question is: is this new girl being friendly or flirty? Part of me thinks that she wouldn't be interested because I'm not sure if she knows me and her roommate are 'just friends' now and she's not the type to try and 'steal' someone away. But then I think maybe her roommate told her and she saw how I cared for her roommate and some of the really sweet and thoughtful (not to toot my own horn or anything) things i did for her and decided that if her roommate didn't want to pursue anything me that she did.


I know, I know, the only way to really know is to ask. I'm just looking for some insight, opinions, past experiences, etc. So thanks for reading my novel and hopefully you have some advice for me! =D

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