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Paulie's Therapy


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I went to my therapist yesterday, and I said that if I got anything out of it that I thought would benefit this site, I would share it...so here goes #2:


In previous conversations with my therapist, we had discussed how we are all the masters over our own thoughts, we create them, we dominate them. I saw an apparent problem with this, as I can't seem to stop thinking of my ex. Whenever I drive through her section of town, I look at every goddamn car that looks like hers. I worry all the time about what I could have done better, I basically overanalyze, and obsess.


I asked my therapist that, if I am indeed the master of my own thoughts, why can't I seem to stop thinking about this bitxh, even when I set my mind to moving on?


He replied that it's how I look at the situation. If I give this power, then it will continue to control me. If I acknowledge it as an OBSESSION, name it as such, and let it pass, that is ultimately how I will decide to move on, and not think about her. Even if this process has to happen 50 times a day, acknowledge it as an obsession, and let it pass. This ultimately serves to not give it any more power than it deserves.


Man...the medium of the internet really allows us to share things anonymously that we wouldn't always want to share with people face-to face. Hope this helps someone who's hurting.



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Hello Paulie, Just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing


your therapies with us. I am learning from them.


I always wanted to know what kind of advice a therapist would give about trying to forget an x and about obsessing over them. Thanks again. Cindylu.

I went to my therapist yesterday, and I said that if I got anything out of it that I thought would benefit this site, I would share it...so here goes #2: In previous conversations with my therapist, we had discussed how we are all the masters over our own thoughts, we create them, we dominate them. I saw an apparent problem with this, as I can't seem to stop thinking of my ex. Whenever I drive through her section of town, I look at every goddamn car that looks like hers. I worry all the time about what I could have done better, I basically overanalyze, and obsess. I asked my therapist that, if I am indeed the master of my own thoughts, why can't I seem to stop thinking about this bitxh, even when I set my mind to moving on? He replied that it's how I look at the situation. If I give this power, then it will continue to control me. If I acknowledge it as an OBSESSION, name it as such, and let it pass, that is ultimately how I will decide to move on, and not think about her. Even if this process has to happen 50 times a day, acknowledge it as an obsession, and let it pass. This ultimately serves to not give it any more power than it deserves. Man...the medium of the internet really allows us to share things anonymously that we wouldn't always want to share with people face-to face. Hope this helps someone who's hurting. Paulie
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