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Can't stop dreaming about my ex. It's killing me

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Seriously, 3 months since BU, but for the past couple of weeks I'm dreaming about her EVERY damn night. I dreamed last night that we got back together and were happy again, and I was totally devastated when I woke up and realised it wasn't real. It's making me realise how much I miss her and do want her back. Up until these dreams started I thought I was over any thoughts of reconciliation, and realistically I still know it won't happen, but the dreams are making me want it to happen so much more. I've spent the last few days feeling really down about things, probably the worst I've felt in a good 5 or 6 weeks. It makes me want to contact her, but I've resisted, I know no good will come from it, it's so hard though. If only the dreams would stop..

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I had a dream about mine a couple nights ago too. Part of me wants her back, but then I think straight....I remember the things she did to hurt me. So fcvkk her i say!! She doesn't deserve me. That's what works for me.

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i dreamed about my ex off and on for months after he dumped me. i still do from time to time even though it's been close to year.


but i don't think anything of them - - they're just dreams. and like most dreams - - i usually forget what they were about after five minutes after i wake up.

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I've had dreams about me and my ex getting back together too, and I would wake up crying.


What I did when this happened...


1. I cried it all out, each last tear until I didn't feel like crying any more.

2. Jump up, hop in the shower, make yourself look good.

3. Exercise.


Keep yourself busy, dreams happen when you think about something during the day and it sort of gets mixed up in your dreams. Keep your mind off it as much as possible (I know, easier said than done).

Most dreams, if you try not to dwell on them, will fade pretty quick, and you'll forget what happened in that dream :)


Hopefully this won't last too long for you x

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