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I don't really want to go into everything in detail so will keep it short.

Also please read my other recent thread.


Ok, so I lost my cool, felt sensitive. Text something I knew I'd regret. Basically I got pissed because 'He' didn't text back to an important text. (Not because he didn't text. Because of the text that he chose to ignore, which was important ect)

So I kind of hinted that it pissed me off. He called, I applogized, he said it's not a big deal. He hasn't acted differently towards me since but I feel so bloody stupid now!

Edited by TaintedHeart
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It's ok. If you already talked about it and he said not to worry, then I wouldn't worry. Let it teach you to not lose your cool next time and he'll see you as a stronger person for it.

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Eddie Edirol

So does this mean you refuse to control your emotions, and let them control your actions? Is this the way you choose to live? Will you learn from this, or will you keep doing this when you feel and urge?

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