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What is wrong with my FWB?

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I am already posted about a potential FWB I met online. We have been texting for about a month getting to know each other a little bit. When we first started talking he said he wanted to take me out for a night. We planned on meeting for drinks but he flew home for the superbowl weekend and the next weekend I visited my family. I asked him if he was still interested and he said yes but he is really busy at work( he's a lawyer) and maybe for the weekend. I also found out he had a one night stand and thought it was funny that he can't take the time to have drinks with me but he can have a one night stand after going to a bar( he actually told me asked if it was bad). I always have to text him as well. I am getting tired and feel like I might be wasting my time. we talk about going for drinks and making connection, we text and get to know each other and we do talk about sex and how what we want to do but he never actually makes plans. He told me he us going to have some free time coming up and we can meet then but I don't know. Is he interested or just playing with me( I did flip flop once about doing this and he said he wanted to ease into it and make sure I am able to handle it), so could that be it?

What is his deal?

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Sounds like he's just not that into you. I know its a cliche' but sometimes cliches fit.

People do have busy schedules, but if someone really likes someone, they eventually will find the time to meet up with them, text them first, in other words, show interest.


So far, this "Friends with Benefits" relationship, seems rather unfriendly and has no benefits.

He's keeping you around in case he doesnt find a better offer and one day he feels like getting laid, he knows he can always call you. You honestly sound like you're ready to be at his beck and call at a moments notice.


If you don't mind being treated this way, keep doing what you're doing, but he's not going to start treating you any better. If you want something better, you're probably going to have to forget about him and try and meet someone who truly shows an interest in you.

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This guy sounds like a real winner. Why would you want to have that type of relationship with someone who is obviously manipulating you? He is setting you up to accept his terms and then he will only toss a few crumbs your way without any offer of real friendship at all. This guy has some serious issues and if you continue down this path, you will end up putting a huge dent in your self esteem.


I would run for the hills if I were you...before you get completely sucked in. If you stay you will end up feeling really depressed.

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Mme. Chaucer

You're not FWB. You're not friends. And there are no benefits.


If you want to have casual sex, I don't think it's that complicated to arrange.

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FWB and feelings of anxiety should exclude each other. Anxiety means, someone actually wants more than being FWB or does not have enough control over their feelings. And if you already get worked up before your "friendship" has even started, then I would say, you might reconsider what you really want here.

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