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complicated situation


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I am having a problem with a friend. Its a long very complicated story.


I became very close with a classmate last summer while i was studying for a board exam. WE became close because I was then dating one of her best guy friends Gabriel.


While we would study for the boards, I started becoming unsure of the guy's intentions/feelings for me. My friend then proceeded to tell me how he had been in love with another girl named Christina who my friend is very close with but with who I hardly ever talk to.


She told me that the guy Gabriel left his previous girlfrield so he could be with Christina but Christina ultimately rejected him and about 2 weeks later he started dating me.


Finding out this whole story from my friend was awful. I became very insecure and the relationship did not work out (for many reasons, it was doomed from the beginning).


I managed to stay friends with her but over the past few months i have become resentful for the following reasons:


She is still friends with Gabriel and with Christina and he talks about them all the time. Gabriel now has a girlfriend but apparently still likes Christina and I feel like my friend has never had the sensitivity to just NOT bring them up when she talks to me. I have told her and she just tells me that I need to "get over it".


Also, the reason why we became close in the first place was because she was feeling alone because Gabriel, Christina and their group of friends were constantly leaving her out and making her feel unwelcome. Gabriel blames her "butting in" for how unsuccesful he was with Christina. Now suddenly her former "group" have allowed her back in and she has completely neglected everyone else.


I feel like has been very insensitive with the whole Gabriel/Christina drama and I also do not appreciate how after expressing numerous times how hurt she was that her friends would leave her out, as soon as they include her back in their group she just dissapears. I told her this and she said that I just did not like her being friends with Gabriel and Christina because of how hurt I was.


I told her that I did not feel comofortable with the whole situation and that I needed space.


i dont know what to do

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the freind sounds insensitive, but all you can do is see who, and not just from the existing group, you can be friends with, the friend sounds flighty - but tbh if you're there to study, just study, they do not sound like great ppl

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This is not my group of friends at all. I only became acquianted with it while I was dating Gabriel for a short while last summer. The friendship continued all these months but honestly I think it is for the best we part ways. She is right in that I am extremely hurt still because of the whole GAbriel thing and having her mention it all the time was not doing me any favors

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