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nice guy? or bad guy?

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seriously noticing a trend here lately, apparently good guys cannot seem to keep a girls interest, and yet the worst of guys can keep a guy with ease, and not think of it! i try to be nice, and respectful towards people, and treat them right and do things for them when i can, and yet im getting nowhere, and yet, i know a a few guys who are the biggest *******s around, somehow keep a girl to them, what gives? do i really have to end up being a ******* for somebody to like me for who i am?:confused:

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not when women grow older, then we like a good friend, but young women fancy thier chances with cads, why i don't know, but older women/ppl want things easy

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I think it also depends on the type of girl.. the good/nice girls will tend to stay away from jerks.. But it works both ways imo, guys will also tend to go after the b*tchy hot sexy girls as opposed to the good/nice ones.

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A girl with low self esteem will try to tame the "bad boy" or jerk--she will feel validated if she does, though she never actually will tame him. She will get high off of any small gesture he makes towards liking her, she will feel like she is special, she is the exception. A healthy woman isn't interested in a guy who treats her like shiz and knows she won't change him.

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OP, it's not 'lately', rather has been going on throughout time. That you are 'noticing' is, in reality, a positive sign of your own health. What to do? See this as a canary that these ladies are not for you. There's toxins in that mine. Stay away.

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the nice, sweet, smart, well mannered and educated girls lose out to the bitchy BIMBOs, because they are considered "HOT".

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I figure some of these women who chased jerks or had a few kids by them will be looking for guys like me (less dangerous, stable, not interested in sex) when they're in their mid to late 30s or so. And I'll be waiting and available when that happens...

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Patience is really the only way you can combat the trend of "adventurous" guys getting all of the girls. (I'm only using that terminology because my friends who are female tell me that's what they're interested in and it's so asinine because good guys have adventures too they just don't end up in jail). Let's be honest though, it's the good guys that end up with long term partners (more often than not). So just wait a bit, make friends, "play the field" as it were, and eventually you'll find the one who is looking or you.

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I figure some of these women who chased jerks or had a few kids by them will be looking for guys like me (less dangerous, stable, not interested in sex) when they're in their mid to late 30s or so. And I'll be waiting and available when that happens...


i think i have reached this point in my life

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the nice, sweet, smart, well mannered and educated girls lose out to the bitchy BIMBOs, because they are considered "HOT".


Men are totally different, but there is a corollary:

Throughout their ENTIRE life, men are usually first attracted to a woman based on the way the woman looks (generally speaking. This is not an absolute.) But for men, we don't care if the woman is mean or nice. We don't care smart or dumb. We don't care if she is funny or not. HOWEVER, if she's physically attractive, then we are interested -at least initially. And in many cases, attractive women may actually be "bitchy" too. But don't be fooled into thinking men generally like "bitchy." NO! For our entire lives, physical beauty is one of the major things men find attractive.


Women on the other hand go through 2 phases:

When women are young, they will be specifically attracted to a**holes. Sure, they like attractive men too. But men who are unavailable, who cheat, who are emotionally abusive, who are perceived as dangerous and brooding will have an edge in attracting women.


Then as a woman ages is ready to settle down or get married, their focus starts to shift away from a**holes and toward stability (nice guys). Does he have a nice job, does he get along with his family, will he make a good father etc.


Of course, I'm making broad generalizations here. Not everybody is this way. But broadly speaking, these generalizations do hold up.

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I think it also depends on the type of girl.. the good/nice girls will tend to stay away from jerks.. But it works both ways imo, guys will also tend to go after the b*tchy hot sexy girls as opposed to the good/nice ones.


Oops, I meant to reply to Binny above, not Irwin.


Irwin, I agree with you in the sense that men chase after women they are physically attracted to. Education, manners, attitude are secondary.

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It is wrong to view it as just badguy/goodguy and who gets the most attention from girls.


Most girls will want a healthy mix, and yeah some girls are attracted to the bad guy type because they have fantasies of being able to change him. It's the whole "wanting a guy that is bad but good for me" just like men want a sweet girl that will be naughty just for him.


Really when meeting girls you just need to be FUN, not loving and caring, or have a badass attitude. They want to have fun, make em laugh, have a healthy portion of banter in your communication and don't suck up to her or make it all too easy for her, if she has nothing to wonder about the interrest will fade quickly.


For example i know from ALOT of personal experience that texting a girl a message along these lines "hey there, how is my little brat today? ;)" works way better than "hello sweety, how are you? :)"

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danny in van
It is wrong to view it as just badguy/goodguy and who gets the most attention from girls.


Most girls will want a healthy mix, and yeah some girls are attracted to the bad guy type because they have fantasies of being able to change him. It's the whole "wanting a guy that is bad but good for me" just like men want a sweet girl that will be naughty just for him.


Really when meeting girls you just need to be FUN, not loving and caring, or have a badass attitude. They want to have fun, make em laugh, have a healthy portion of banter in your communication and don't suck up to her or make it all too easy for her, if she has nothing to wonder about the interrest will fade quickly.


For example i know from ALOT of personal experience that texting a girl a message along these lines "hey there, how is my little brat today? ;)" works way better than "hello sweety, how are you? :)"

bad guy is just the term for a guy who gets alot of girls- therefore doesn't have to commit so easily. Why do girls want him?- not cuz he's 'bad', but cuz he's the so called alpha that alot of girls want- cuz he's above average looks, status etc. He's labelled 'bad' cuz he won't commit to her, yet she keeps trying to make him do so. I've been labelled 'bad' but the notion of me commiting is 99% of the time the girl's wish, not something I EVER indicated/ promised etc. So they try to label you 'bad' to induce guilt and reform your behaviour.

Yes nice guys will catch up by default- cuz most girls eventually realize they can't/ won't mate with the alpha as he may not be reliable, or they aren't the alpha women that can hold his attention. So the nice guy gets in there often as a girl's practical second choice.

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I don't think there's ever really a good guy or ever really a bad guy. I think most people usually percieve themselves as good people. I don't understand why you have to categorize people into good or bad to decide whether they are dateable or compatible. Most guys will have qualities of both anyway you just have to figure what you like and what you are tolerable to. Besides the good guy/ bad guy stereotype shouldn't just be based upon gender either. There are a bunch of good/bad girls out there too...


I want a balance of both. Someone who has good morale/ family values, but also has a "naughty side to her as well. I want a girl who can be a lady in public, but a slut in bed :)

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How do you do it on the bed?

Do you ask her if you can move further? do you keep asking if it hurts or feels good? do you do gentle missionary style for 5 minutes, finish and hug her while saying how good it was?

OR do you throw her on the bed, make out heavily, basically f cuk her like an animal, spank her and cum on her face? basically treat her like a sex slave?

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Don 't confuse nice guy with boring guy or doormat guy. I only date nice guys because I am a nice gal, deserve to be treated well and treat my men well, too. Win-win.

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