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Mixed signals from potential FWB?

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I am 23 and my potential FWB is 29. I met online, he responded to my ad. He told me he "was not just looking for a hookup" but " didn't think he can be a fair bf". I told him I was not looking for a bf since I just got out of a long relationship. He is new to the city and said he works so he cant do a full relationship( he is a lawyer). We first started texting that night getting to know each other a little bit about family, interests, sex( I initiated that one), sports, flirting what we like in the opposite sex( personality and physical attraction and he always initiated the texts and questions). When we first started talking we made a bet on the game and he said if he won " he would get to take me out for a night". We both agreed we wanted to meet to make sure we had a connection and he said "If I do not feel comfortable doing anything that night, that was fine" and " anything could happen but nothing has to happen" and " how he is not expecting anything from me if I'm not interested". A couple days go by and I texted and told him I am unsure if I want to do this. He told me to think about it and text me when I decide and that he was going home for the super bowl and nothing would happen soon. I texted him I was still interested and we started texting. He said he wants to ease into it and make sure I can handle it( I have never done casual sex before).The next day he texts me when he arrives home and we talk until he goes to work. For the next couple of days we talk every night and that weekend he wanted to meet but I was visiting friends at a college. He asked me if I was going to do anything with any guy. I get back and we text that valentines day but we didn't make any plans for drinks. I don't hear from him and I was pretty busy so I text him that weekend asking if he was still interested in the FWB thing and he said yes but he has tons of things going on at work. I text him a couple days later and he doesn't text back. Fast forward another week and I text him on Sunday and he we talked for about and hour and then we got into sex and he tells me " is it bad that i had sex this weekend"?. He also told me it was a friend of a friend and he used protection. I told him we are allowed to do whatever we want. I let him know that I had a slip up with my ex and he says that it's okay as long as I'm not getting back together with him. He also said that I should " take my time and get to know what I like before I make a huge commitment to a guy, If I was dating". The next day he sent me a pic of a costume he said I would look good in. He then told me his boss had seen it. We laughed and I asked if his boss was an old pervert. He said no and asked Ii wanted him #. I'm like we no and the he said " but I could get promoted...jk". I told never talk to me like that again and he said he was only kidding and knows I would never do that. He texted me later that day asking me how my class was going but I could not talk. I have not texted him since and neither has he. What is going on with him? Why does he asks me all these questions as if he is really trying to get to know me and cares if it is FWB? Why all the mixed signals? I do not get it?

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Mme. Chaucer

Why have you posted the identical thread 3 different times? You have all the answers you need.

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A better question is why you continue to fool yourself into thinking you want a FWB when it's clear you want more. You are so invested in this situation... I highly doubt you'd be able to actually have sex with this man and not care when he dates other women, doesn't call you regularly, doesn't want to get into a relationship with you, etc. And given your interaction thus far, I can guarantee that he will never see you as relationship material. A man would never joke around with a woman about having sex with his boss if he viewed her as having relationship potential... that is totally disrespectful and very indicative as to how he sees you. I promise you that this will not end well (if he ever bothers meeting you, that is).

Edited by snowflakes88
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