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Phase or Reality?


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My girlfriend and I broke up after a year. I thought we would be together forever. At least thats what she told me. If actions speak louder then words, then I knew we were soulmates. This is based on her actions. Anyway, for some reason she feels the grass is greener on the other side. She won't admit that but that is what everyone is telling me. She could be dating someone else or she could be hanging out with her friends. Regardless, I haven't seen or spoken to her in 6 weeks. Why is it so easy for her not to call? I hoped that I would have heard from her on CHristmas, but I didn't. I miss her companionship. I miss her coming over my house after work and making her dinner. I miss waking up with her and kissing her back before I got up to get ready for work. I hear so many people tell me that one day she will call. I'm scared I will never talk to her again. If I could create a soulmate, she would be it. She told me that I was everything she wanted in a partner. Was that lip service. She is 24 and I'm 28. I wish this pain would go away. We spent all of our time together outside of work. Now it seems I am not even a glimor in her eyes. How can that be after everything we have been through. I am slowly moving forward but my eyes are constanly looking in the rear view mirror to see if she will appear. Did she take to the cleaners or is this just a phase?

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I can really understand what your saying. I posted my situation earily today it's titled Help please! under the name V I didn't spell my whole name out. In my opinion, I can definatly say that she hasn't forgotten everything that's went on, how could she? It sounds like everything was going well, but maybe she is sacared and needs some time apart. I will say that 6 weeks is a really long time. I have been involved with the same person for about a year and the longest we've went without talking is 2 weeks, but it's still the same idea. He wants to date others, but only he wants me around. Sometimes I wonder if it's for sex, but he claims that's not it because he can get if from anyone else and he did when I broke up with him; he claims he did it because he thought it was over and I made him mad. He still clamis that it didn't mean anything and that's the first time he did that since we've been involved, but we are talking about you. Have you tried talking to her? I think you should try to contact her and ask what's going on, but I really don't think she's forgotten you. I bet she will come back after some time once she realizes what a nice guy you are and the grass is not greener. I don't understand why she wants to be out there with the majority of the men that try to date you to get what they want and she had a perfect guy that was willing to treat her right. You should talk to her or send her a letter explaining how you feel and ask her to be honest with you. I got off the subject above, but my situation sounds somewhat similar, but he comes back each time we split. I hope everything works out. You can e-mail me and let me know what happend. Your situation just sounds so much like mine. :) Smile and hope for the best.

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this may be a phase. however, if you heart is in the past you may miss a true love that exists in the future. the pain that hurts most is that which medicine cannot cure. slowly integrate yourself into new things. find an activity to get involved with outside of work. if she really loves you and wants to be with you, it should not take her that long to find out what she is missing.

My girlfriend and I broke up after a year. I thought we would be together forever. At least thats what she told me. If actions speak louder then words, then I knew we were soulmates. This is based on her actions. Anyway, for some reason she feels the grass is greener on the other side. She won't admit that but that is what everyone is telling me. She could be dating someone else or she could be hanging out with her friends. Regardless, I haven't seen or spoken to her in 6 weeks. Why is it so easy for her not to call? I hoped that I would have heard from her on CHristmas, but I didn't. I miss her companionship. I miss her coming over my house after work and making her dinner. I miss waking up with her and kissing her back before I got up to get ready for work. I hear so many people tell me that one day she will call. I'm scared I will never talk to her again. If I could create a soulmate, she would be it. She told me that I was everything she wanted in a partner. Was that lip service. She is 24 and I'm 28. I wish this pain would go away. We spent all of our time together outside of work. Now it seems I am not even a glimor in her eyes. How can that be after everything we have been through. I am slowly moving forward but my eyes are constanly looking in the rear view mirror to see if she will appear. Did she take to the cleaners or is this just a phase?
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THis is going to sound harsh, but I'll say it. She's gone man.


I realized that women are stronger when it comes to relationships...I mean they adapt better to circumstances faster than men do. If you haven't spoken to her in 2 months, then she's moved on. I'm sorry but that's what it seem like.

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