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Advice please

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My cousin invited me to a local bar to watch the Laker game. He's a regular there so he introduced me to some off the waitresses. One caught my attention but I did not approach her because I was too into the game and she was very busy. Later that night I introduced myself and she seemed interested but busy. After the game I had to go so I told my cuz to say goodbye for me.


After I left she asked my cuz for my #, which he gave her. She called me later that night to see if I wanted to hang out with her and her friends but I was already out and about. We kept in touch and she called to invite me to the bar to watch the game. She was working but found some time to chat with me from time to time. It is a local bar and found some buddy's (girls & guys) there as well as my cuz. My cuz teased her by asking her to bring me her "boyfriend" some water. She replied by saying to him don't be ridiculous. Her attitude changed completely it seemed.


At the end of her shift she sat down with her friend to eat dinner. I did not want to bother her so I played pool with my cuz & buddy's. I thought she would spend some time with me before she went home, instead she almost walked out without even saying goodbye. I new something was wrong. As she was walking out I called her over, she gave me a quick hug and left. I text messaged her a thank you and followed it up with a call. Of course the call went to her VM, and I left a message.


A few days later i went to the bar to meet some friends I said hi to her but she just gave me a dirty look and said hello. A week or so later I called her and again the VM, I left a nice VM. No return call. I get the point and since have left her alone however I go there alot and I hate the fact that she hates me and she hasn't said a word to me. Should I approach her about it or just leave it alone?

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Since it bothers you the way it does... I would wait until you can see her in person (even it it's at the bar where she works) then ask her if you can speak with her for a moment...


Tell her that you're not clear on if you've done something to offend her and if you have you don't know what it is... see where it goes from there... who knows what someone might have told her regarding you, so I think it would be better to clear the air.


Good Luck

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That is so weird that someone would completely change like that! I wonder if someone said something bad about you to her in order to make her act like that! I would approach her and ask her what's wrong...tell her you get the hint that's she's not "into" you but she is the one who asked for your # and if you never did anything to make her act angry at you I too would want to know what her deal is. If she doesn't offer up and explanation I wouldn't waste anymore time! People can be so wierd at times!



Oops didn't realize a poster above said what i did before I said it! hahaha! oh well!

good luck! :cool:

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