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Fiance and I

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First off this is long, but it be a big help if you could read and give me input. I am possibly marrying this girl so read it all and possibly prevent me from getting a future divorce



When we first started hanging out i had a cocky uncaring, but still sweet side to me that got us toghther. But once i get toghther with somone i stop the cocky and go a bit more sweet and honetly i think i start to act a bit like a woman. BUt to me if you love someone high school games should be over and the macho bacho attitude should be tamed a bit.


My fiance has a controlling, my way or the highway attitude. She is impatient and even admitted she gets impatient after her own child cant figure out how to spell one of his spelling words after so many tries. She will make jokes about me when im there and hey! not a problem i like jokes. But if you joke about her she takes offense because she even admits she can dish it out but she cant take it. When we argue she will watch tv and that pisses me off who watches tv when someone argues especially people who are planned to be married. So i repeat myself alot when i argue because i dont know if she is listening and then she gets mad that i am repeating myself. Last week I was sitting on her couch in the morning and she wakes up and ask how my drive home was last night and how my week went because we hadnt seen each other in awhile and Typical me i give the shortest anwser possible because im not a guy to give a lot of detail. I will anwser the question and nothing more. I continue to watch tv and she walks downstairs. I figure she is going to do laundry. But now she doesnt come back up for 2 hours. So i look at the TV guide and see that a show she likes is on so i think to myself I'm watching the news and she is downstairs watching her program. Shortly after 2 hours of her being down there she comes up stairs goes to the bathroom. Walks out and says how about you just leave and then goes downstairs. So me thinking im not in the wrong i wait 1 hour and then go down stairs and say what the hell is your problem? and of course she is mad that i didnt greet her in the morning. i didnt say i missed you and blah blah blah that i understood and she was mad i didnt give her enough detail about my ride back home and that i understood because couples need communication. But what i cant understand is how quick she can get mad at me over somethign so little and then stay mad for 2 more hours instead of just letting a misunderstanding go. She was even mad that i didnt realize she was mad and why didnt i just know right way she was mad and i said well a show you like was on so i figured you were watching that so which she reply o yea! for 2 hours its not on for 2 hours and i say i dont know maybe it was a marathon all day thing i dont keep track of how long the show is on for. I just dont see why she got mad that i didnt know she was mad and why she thoguht it was stupid that i didnt realize the show only lasted 1 hour THAT DAY. god like i know how long the show is on for. I told her babe if your mad let me know say hey hunny im not very happy right now because of so and so and all she says ot that is what do you expect me to do hold your hand on how i am feeling all day you should of know if something is wrong......god damn is all i am thinking this woman is imposible.


She is also insecure about what people think and cares to much of what people think and i have told her this to which she responds and you care to little. I agree I care to little. But she bitches to me when i dont talk enough at parties and get toghethers literally to the point where she says said you need to socialize and be more talkative and it has even come to the point where she has said it could very well be a deal breaker if i dont socialize more because she loves to socialize........well i guess thats is why she watches E! News and reads people magizine and watchs the kardashians. I truly believe she is trying to live vicariously through these TV shows.......and the best way i can pin point her personality is....KIM KARDAHSHIAN. and the only logical explanaation i can come up with why she is so demanding i talk more in public and at parties is because ....IN HER MIND...if people see me being quiet they will think how weird and what is wrong, to which they will think why is she even dating him to which will lead negative thoughts about her. I STRONGLY BELIVE my fiance is trying to make me be just like her. I need to be more social, i need to care more, i need to express my feeligns more blah blah blah.


But even on that note this woman wants it all her way and thinks her way is the only way. Not to mention she somehow cant see other peoples opinions and thinks differing view points and dumb and make no sense.


she wants a child another child when we get married, but im afriad us time and our sex life will go down the drain. I have to initiate sex 100% of the time and sometimes i get shot down for sex and it makes me feel like **** and i have even told her hey babe when you shoot me down it makes me feel undesirable and unwanted to which she replys i didnt feel like having sex and the moment and stop being a baby. No compassion or understanding on her part at all. I feel like she isnt sexually desiring me because she never iniates sex at all.


Her affection level is low to. What i mean is a kiss at the door, and a kiss good night would be enough to keep her goign through the day. I have told her babe i need more affection and once i get some affectoin i will need not so much in the future because then my love tank will be fuller to which she response yoru just high maintance and need attention constanly. God i can never win with her. For instance she was getting ready for work and walked by me 3 or 4 times in the one hour she was getting ready. And the 4th pass which was about 50 mins in she grabbed my knee...I take it as she needed physical contact and a knee touch was enough to sustain her needs........She is like a 60 year old woman even though she is only 24. Limited sex once every 2 weeks im guessing and 3 kisses a day is enough for her...


Lastly to show how unaffectionent that whole story i gave early about me on the couch she got pissed and walked down stairs led to a full blown out argument and i guess i said then lets just break up and SHE ACTUALLY GAVE ME THE RING. so here i am at the door and were saying good bye. I may leave for an hour, for the day, for the weekend, or forever she doesnt know nor do i.......BUT SHE SHED NOT 1 TEAR FOR ME at all....this woman is suppose to love me that is kind of why we are engaged but no tears our shed. She never gets sad about anything. we argue and she nevers gets sad..


Come to think of it every arguement we have ever had i have been the one to apologive and say sorry except 1.....she is always the one who is mad and always the one on why the arguemnt starts.


I even told her last weekend....think back to every arguemtn we have ever had who was unhappy and i said you were. Out of every argument we have ever had you have been the unhappy one and ever argument we have had minus one ive been the one to say im sorry...



IM getting sick of this woman and her nagging, nitpickins, controlling, want it her way attitude......healthy relaitonship right!!!......i am bitter and resent her......but i believe if i can someone revert back to who i was that controlling guy who lets little things roll off my shoulders perhaps and not be a girl things can change for the better.



Anyone got any input or advice???


Also Whats your take on this girl???

Edited by joshsmith8110
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serial muse

Why why why do you want to marry this person??


I'm not judging you, I promise you I'm not. I just don't hear anything in your post that sounds like you love her - and honestly, no reasons why you should, either.


This is a real question: Why are you even considering marrying this person? You sound so unhappy.

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.She is like a 60 year old woman even though she is only 24. Limited sex once every 2 weeks im guessing and 3 kisses a day is enough for her...


In 10 yrs, with 2 more kids, you're gonna be getting sex 2x a year at that pace. At 24, you should be doing her 2x a day...



Dude, with all the other moody BS, and that million dollar punchline above, find another fiancee.

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