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Want to be more than friends before graduation

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I have a friend that I have liked for over a year now. We are both engineering majors and work on homework together and see each other in class or to work on group projects pretty much every day. Graduation is approaching in about 3 months so I figure that I should probably do something about it so that I leave college with no regrets. It's highly unlikely that anything could continue between us (if something does happen now) after college since I'm moving to Seattle and he's probably moving to Texas, but I would be satisfied with just getting to date him for a short amount of time.


I'm not sure how he feels about me but he does seem to enjoy being around me and talking to me. We've only hung out twice outside of school related stuff and both of those times we went to lunch because I asked him. He has never asked me to hang out (but I'm starting to wonder if he ever asks anyone to hang out...I feel like people just invite him to things instead or he just hangs out with his roommates). I would guess that he doesn't like me, but since he's an engineer, it's possible that he just hasn't really thought about dating (I'm an engineer too so I think it's fine for me to stereotype since it's basically true haha). Maybe he would just think "heck, why not?" if I asked him since it would just be for the last few months of college.


Apart from the fact that it would be extremely nervewracking for me to tell him I like him, ask him on a date, etc., it would also be extremely awkward if he doesn't feel the same way because we will have classes and group projects together for the rest of our time in college. Therefore I was thinking of having a mutual friend help by talking to him for me. How should I go about doing this and what should I have the friend say?

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Is there anyway to drop subtle hints that youd like to date him? Is he dating anyone? Could he be shy?


What about scheming with your girlfriends on a plan to get him to ask you out? Engineer something. :)

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He's not dating anyone and he's sort of shy, but not really. Although he could be shy about asking girls out. Anyways, so good news! Yesterday he and I (I'll call him Michael) were practicing a group presentation at his apartment with another guy who is in our group (I'll call the other guy Tom). So after we had practiced our presentation a few times, the Michael and his roommate were talking about going to see a movie tomorrow. Tom then asked me if I'd seen the movie and I said no. Michael said "Would you want to?" which seemed kind of ambiguous...I wasn't sure if he was asking me to go with them or if I would just be interested in general in seeing that movie. Nevertheless, I said "yeah!".


Tom and I left the apartment together and then I decided to tell him that I like Michael and want to do something about it. I asked if he would be able to help me out but he said he doesn't really know Michael all that well. He also wasn't sure if Michael was inviting me to the movie or not but he said he'd bring up the topic the next day after our presentation. So then this morning after the three of us did our presentation, Tom said "are you guys still going to the movie tonight?" and then Michael said "yeah, and you guys are welcome to come if you want to". Naturally I said I would go and I'm super excited! Hopefully this will open the door for something to happen between us...

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