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Leigh 87

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Ahem.. This is not an easy thing to write....



Um.... and I would never talk about it, in real life....



Is it NORMAL, in a relationship.. for..



OK. My boyfriend farts in front of me. A fair bit.



I am a women, so of course, I do not go doing such things..around men...or around female mates, either...



A few times I have done it around my boyfriend, he laughs but thinks it is totally gross.


He jokes that " geez Leigh, Girls dont FART, its gross, like having hairy legs, ya kno?"


He said it in a laughing way, but he DID mean it...









AT least he owns up to his farts now. When we first met, he kept blaming his poor little dogs... I believed him and remmeber back to him doing it!!!!



SO... Do girls here, who are in long term relationships, ever... DO it around their partners, OCCASIONALLY?



SOrry, but I really would like to know... MAybe I am extremely sick for even doing it in front of him even ONCE?



IS there an unspoken RULE where girls justc annot fart ever?



And no, I seldom do it.... He has not reacted hashley, but has rather told me that it is gross and joked about it - we are bvery comfortable together, and therefore he did nto make an issue.

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Professor X

With my ex' at the beginning I was burping a lot, she didn't at all - she was even a tad grossed by it.

After a while she joined me, eventually she burped more than I have... I created a monster :(


Fart more, it's healthy. Better out than in I say.

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my gf farted inadvertently during an orgasm two weeks ago. we joke about it. i take that to mean i now have a free pass to fart in bed forever. still working that angle, it'll take some convincing....

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Seriously, you are questioning an natural human reaction to body chemicals and whether you can do it in front of your partner. I find that to be a baby fact, yes okay on the first few days may not, but yeah after that why not.


I grew up with two older brothers so maybe have a different reaction to it. But in my mind you are acting childish and also your boyfriend about saying it is gross, sorry but it is a natural reaction.

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Feelin Frisky
my gf farted inadvertently during an orgasm two weeks ago....


That is the only sanctioned reason, otherwise no farting. :rolleyes:

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Eddie Edirol

I dont fart in front of my lady, simply because I dont want her farting in front of me, and I dont know if I can handle associating the smell with her daintiness. So I think the double standard is kinda wrong. But if you dont mind him blowing gassers in front of you, then no harm done.

My best friend and his wife blast gassers in front of each other often, I have to ask him why it doesnt bother him so I can figure this out.


I do however encourage my lady to belch loudly in front of me, because shes good at it, and I rate them. I still cant figure out why that is different to me.

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Mme. Chaucer
A woman farting is disgusting. Its like a man getting a manicure regularly. Weird.


Except that unlike a manicure, a fart is a normal bodily function.


Though of course women never do it.

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Except that unlike a manicure, a fart is a normal bodily function.


Though of course women never do it.





Absolutely not

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That is the only sanctioned reason, otherwise no farting. :rolleyes:


Except that unlike a manicure, a fart is a normal bodily function.


Though of course women never do it.


ROFL you guys crack me up. :laugh:


I absolutely do fart in front of the bf, Leigh. And he does in front of me. Cripes, we've been together for over 4 years. He's helped me with a badly stuck tampon and I've cleaned up his snot and he's slobbered all over my pillow. I think we can handle a bit of gas.


Honestly, I really think your bf was just joking, but if he genuinely means it, he sounds like an immature twit. There are people who live together and don't fart or belch or pee in front of each other, yes, but those people BOTH don't do it. It isn't some silly 'girls don't fart!' assumption by the guy.

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my gf farted inadvertently during an orgasm two weeks ago. we joke about it. i take that to mean i now have a free pass to fart in bed forever. still working that angle, it'll take some convincing....


You have a gf now? Congrats! Is that the nurse?


sorry Leigh

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Eh, sometimes I fart in front of hubby and sometimes I don't. If I feel like it's going to be all loud or particularly smelly and whatever, I personally go somewhere private (because I'd do that with anyone---Southern gal thing, I guess) if it's easy to do. But it's not something I'd get a complex over, and I have farted in front of hubby---a few times, he definitely had to have noticed, but he never says anything. I never say anything when he does either.


Frankly, the dog farts more than either of us (honestly, not just the ones we blame on him ;) ).


Hubby does find it "cute" when I drink soda to quickly and get the burps (when I burp, it's like a small series of burps, like weird hiccups).


I think men who think women don't fart or burp or whatever (or just don't want to know about it) aren't going to be able to hang on for the long haul. Life is gross sometimes, and a little bit of gas is the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully your BF was just joking, Leigh.

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I never want me and bf to get to a stage where we fart in front of each other. What's next? Leaving the door open when one of us takes a dump? That's gross.


I understand that its a normal bodily function, but if it can wait to be done privately it should. IMO, at least.


I dunno, but farting in front of one another just seems like the end of romance for sure!

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Professor X
What's next? Leaving the door open when one of us takes a dump? That's gross.

Yes, it is next...

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I can honestly say I have never EVER farted in front of someone I was dating. I'm generally not a real gaseous girl to begin with but I can only ever recall doing it once in front of someone. That was a female friend and I was freaking mortified. That's a part of myself I don't like though. I'm never fully free and comfortable around people. That's something I've been trying to work on...


Although, I can fart freely in front of my brother. I've been doing that since I was a kid. He trained me well. lol.

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make me believe

I NEVER fart in front of my hubby on purpose, and neither does he. I know some people find it funny, or a sign of great intimacy or whatever, to be able to go to the bathroom and fart in front of their SO.... but I think it's just gross. Accidentally letting one out is one thing, but doing it on purpose just seems immature and unnecessary to me. Really, it's ok for some things to remain private. It doesn't mean you're less close to your partner or less comfortable around them. I wouldn't purposely fart in front of a stranger because I would find it rude and gross, so why would I do it in front of the guy I have a romantic relationship with??

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Eeewww....some things should remain a mystery :p

I leave the bathroom door open almost always, unless there are guests over. My housemates have never really minded and sometimes they might need to get something from the bathroom when I am showering/shaving or something and they can.


Maybe I'm just not a very...um, private person :p

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I leave the bathroom door open almost always, unless there are guests over. My housemates have never really minded and sometimes they might need to get something from the bathroom when I am showering/shaving or something and they can.


Maybe I'm just not a very...um, private person :p


I would certainly agree with that, if you're leaving the door open when you're taking a ****.


wow - different strokes for different folks I guess :)

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Feelin Frisky
ROFL you guys crack me up. :laugh:


I absolutely do fart in front of the bf, Leigh. And he does in front of me. Cripes, we've been together for over 4 years. He's helped me with a badly stuck tampon and I've cleaned up his snot and he's slobbered all over my pillow. I think we can handle a bit of gas.


Honestly, I really think your bf was just joking, but if he genuinely means it, he sounds like an immature twit. There are people who live together and don't fart or belch or pee in front of each other, yes, but those people BOTH don't do it. It isn't some silly 'girls don't fart!' assumption by the guy.


I stand by my emoticon. :rolleyes:;):laugh:


My actual stance is that it's just courteous to try to make the passing of gas have as small a foot print as possible in the compnay of one's lover. That doesn't mean running outdoors in below zero cold to cut one. :) A reasonable effort not to just lift up a leg and honk your sphincter with a grin should be sufficient. And fwiw, the only thing that smells worse than a fart is the smell of fart mixed with peach air freshener. All things in moderation.

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No I don't fart or shi.t or piss in front of my BF. Okay, I have accidentally let out a sleepy fart in bed when waking up or drifting off to sleep, but I don't purposely do it and he doesn't do that around me either. I'd be really grossed out if he did. I'm with Make Me Believe, it's not intimacy or closeness or anything when you do that, it's just nasty. Of course he knows I fart and poop but he doesn't need to see it. I wouldn't think it's funny if he was like, creating dutch ovens with me under the covers and stuff. I'd feel disgusted and confused as to why my adult BF was showing the maturity of a 13 year old!


I guess I'm prude and un-fun. That's fine :p

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serial muse

I'm not sure I can top Frisky's reply, which is perfect.


And it's basically my stance, too - I don't do it on purpose, but it happens, whatcha gonna do. And H doesn't go around farting in front of me on purpose, but it happens. It's not something I think is super-adorable and laugh uproariously about, but it's not a big deal either. I just ask if he stepped on a duck. :p


That said, my H is a belcher and he does it on purpose before running. I wonder how common that is among runners.


I don't love it, mostly because he tends to draw it out for some reason: brawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp. brawp. bup. Like that. Why???!?

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I stand by my emoticon. :rolleyes:;):laugh:


My actual stance is that it's just courteous to try to make the passing of gas have as small a foot print as possible in the compnay of one's lover. That doesn't mean running outdoors in below zero cold to cut one. :) A reasonable effort not to just lift up a leg and honk your sphincter with a grin should be sufficient. And fwiw, the only thing that smells worse than a fart is the smell of fart mixed with peach air freshener. All things in moderation.


Yep, I agree. I think couples each do whatever works for them, really, be it suppression or release. :laugh: The thing I find silly is when, like in Leigh's case, the guy thinks that he can do it whenever but 'girls don't fart!'.

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Yep, I agree. I think couples each do whatever works for them, really, be it suppression or release. :laugh: The thing I find silly is when, like in Leigh's case, the guy thinks that he can do it whenever but 'girls don't fart!'.


Right. I'm not saying I think it's the romantic norm to have farting contests, but ideas like, "Women never fart!" are just silly.

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What a funny thing to chat to strangers about:):)


I am actually really interested, to hear different couples " farting styles":sick::lmao:




Yes, my boyfriend is half joking - but on some level, he means it - but not enough for my farts to actually BOTHER him, lol!



I have farted in front of him a fair bit:lmao: and he just laughs and makes an affectionate " eww eeee Leigh!"



Um. I have had to let a few out while we have been in bed sleeping lately :sick: EW cos I eat sugar free products, and the sweetener in them, malitol me thinks, makes u tad " gassy" ugh....


LMAO. I farted quiet loudly even, and he did not even here me LMAO.


Except one of the farts woke him up.



However, this is not the norm with us; I hold farts in, and go and do them privately.


On the other hand, my b oyfriend likes to fart in front of me; he sais he feels so comfortable around me, and it makes ghim feel happy that he can just fart around me whenever. Ok great:lmao: glad to make ya feel close to me sweety...




...... he has actually pulled his pants down, and farted near my face a couple of times, to get me back ( u know, in a playful way).



We are immature, in the daily things we like to do, if that means there is a correlation between our " farting" styles:lmao: and our general immaturity!!!!!!!

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