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Should I ask?

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Alright, those of you who know me know I've had some problems in the past with a real flake; the good news is that I told her to get out of my life finally. Maybe 7 months after I really should have, but no matter; it's over and done with. On to a new chapter in my life... heh.




So I met this girl online through a dating service. She seems really awesome, we have so much in common. The only problem is that she's 19 and I'm 24, which might be a little weird, so I asked her right out if she would consider dating a 24 year old, and she said she had no problems with it, but rather than jumping into dating right away we should get to know each other first. That's really cool; I like taking things slowly anyway, so we've been corresponding almost daily for the past week, and we have tons in common with each other, and we've already talked about some really deep subjects like spirituality, and so on; honestly I've never gotten to deep subjects with anyone so quickly before, so I'm really beginning to think this could turn into something good.


But there's one problem... she seems to be a very emotional person; and her away messages on AIM are always filled with things like this:


"i'm here without you baby

but you're still on my lonely mind

i think about you baby

and i dream about you all the time"



I mean like every day; even last night she had this:


"And this is why life is still great:

(name hidden to protect the innocent): hugs and kisses..."




I'm getting a little worried that I might be competing with someone that she's had her heart set on; and I've already gone through this before, being the "backup plan", and I really have no desire to do that again.


Do I ask her if this is the case? I'm a huge fan of personal privacy and I really don't feel comfortable asking such a thing, but for my own sake, I just don't want to go through the pain of starting to like someone again and then finding out that they've had their heart set on someone else all along and were keeping me around as a momentary distraction... :(

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"i'm here without you baby

but you're still on my lonely mind

i think about you baby

and i dream about you all the time"


Just in case you don't know, those are lyrics from "Here Without You" by 3 Doors Down. I wouldn't freak out because she had something like that on her away message. I put lyrics up all the time.


"And this is why life is still great:

(name hidden to protect the innocent): hugs and kisses..."


I don't know about this one. I'm assuming it was a guy's name to get you all freaked out over it, but it could just be a really close friend.


You've talked to each other (online) for a week. I really don't think you should be getting all upset over these things. You aren't dating yet. You're just getting to know each other. If (when?) the subject of dating comes up seriously, then you have a right to ask if she's dating someone else, etc. Until then, I say keep your mouth shut.



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Yeah I figured as much; but I just can't get over the previous psycho so easily. If not for her, I wouldn't even think anything of this at all. Blah.



She's given me some major trust issues to overcome. :(



Maybe I shouldn't even think about dating anyone at this time?

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Oh by the way, tell me if this is weird or not;



in High school I had a HUGE crush on this short little italian girl named Lisa. She ended up going to college for a psychology major.


This new girl is a short little italian girl going to the same school for the same major... named Tina. Lisa had a twin sister named Tina...



Is that freaky or what? They're not related in any way, but the coincidence is staggering...

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