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Difference between feelings and emotions

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Feelings is something you feel, emotion is felt too, but emotions can make you have a reaction. lol. It's hard to put into words.

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Feelings can be intuitive, and if we listen to them, can help us be more discerning.

Emotions are purely gut-reaction, and if we listen to them, it can hinder us in our progress towards healing.


Feelings are not as deep as emotions.

Feelings are more impersonal than emotions....


Feelings can be hurt.

emotions are the result of hurt feelings....


Take your pick.... :)

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Feelings is something you feel, emotion is felt too, but emotions can make you have a reaction. lol. It's hard to put into words.


That's deep.....






(You're right, though, it is hard..... ;) )

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Feelings can be intuitive, and if we listen to them, can help us be more discerning.

Emotions are purely gut-reaction, and if we listen to them, it can hinder us in our progress towards healing.


Feelings are not as deep as emotions.

Feelings are more impersonal than emotions....


Feelings can be hurt.

emotions are the result of hurt feelings....


Take your pick.... :)


So when an emotion is triggered we shouln't react to it?


Maybe thats where I go wrong!

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I read somewhere that emotions are the physical reactions in our bodies to what we perceive. Chemicals and hormones are released to either protect us or lead us to pleasure. Once the cognitive brain senses the change in the body, it then labels the reaction as a feeling.


I'm sure hoping this thread reveals a much better, more emotional description that will evoke more of a human, sentiment with true feeling. :)

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So when an emotion is triggered we shouln't react to it?


Maybe thats where I go wrong!




If someone really makes you mad - That's an emotion - that can become a reaction/action and sometimes its' best to cool off and let a level head come into play before doing or saying something that you may regret.

That's deep.....


:laugh: Short, sweet and to the point!

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Ross MwcFan

I guess emotions are feeling sad, happy, etc. Whereas feelings are things like, when you have a 'feeling' that something in particular is going to happen, or how you feel about another person for example.


But at the same time, emotions are feelings too.


Kinda confusing.

Edited by Ross MwcFan
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Emotions.. That's the deep stuff. Often our true feelings are driven by our inner emotions. Best to be in touch with your emotional self to understand why your feeling a particular way.


Mea :)

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Emotions are like themes to parties. If it is a Hawaiian theme, some people are going to feel good about the hula dancing, and some aren't.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I did a bit more research last night, and my view is that feelings are sensations and require very little or no thought; whereas emotions are a combination of feelings, thoughts and physical states of readiness to act, and require interpretation of perceptions and feelings through thoughts.


Examples of feelings would be feeling cold, amorous, tired, awake

Examples of emotions are love, hate, guilt, fear, hope, trust


Emotions require our thinking mind to interpret our feeling mind's output, and we do that by passing our perceptions and feelings through filters we have learned over time. These filters are known as values and beliefs, or irrational thoughts. Once feelings and sensory input is filtered through beliefs and values, the body is prepared to act according to what we believe is the best course of action in the situation.


Our thoughts can amplify or dampen our emotions: if we think "cool green grass" when walking over hot coals, we can reduce the emotional response to the feeling of pain. Our nerves in our feet are still sending pain signals, but our mind (thinking) is soothing the soul (feeling) which in turn changes our bodily response (action).


If you were to walk into a room with two people having sex, your response depends on myriad other factors: what mood or emotional state were you in when you walked in; what are your beliefs about sex; who the people are and where they fit into your world. The same two people having sex in the same room will evoke a different response from different people. All that has changed is the person reacting to them. That's our filters, our values and beliefs, interpreting events, and influencing our course of action.


So, um, yes, feelings are the simple baseline sensations, whereas emotions are what we do with them to incorporate our mind and body to respond to whatever led to the feeling.

Edited by betterdeal
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Exactly. Any other nuances will be individually conceived but will not be a universal or official definition.
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I agree, I think most people do use them interchangeably. Dictionaries say feelings are emotions and emotions are feelings. However, I found this page on Google Answers interesting:


Google Answers: Feelings and emotions


I like the variety of answers and definitions.

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Exactly. Any other nuances will be individually conceived but will not be a universal or official definition.


I'm interested in the individually conceived ideas.

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I remember reading the following:

"Emotions are important, and while it's important to understand that Emotions are not who we are, they should be honoured.

But it's important to acknowledge emotions as they arise, within the relevance of the trigger moment, but not perpetuate them, and use them as a basis for re-living a past incident.

then they just become baggage and hindrance."


So, emotionally, permit yourself to feel precisely what arises.

But don't then begin to create a web of self-defeating stories, which only serve to keep you stuck back in that moment of sadness, despair and longing, which has actually, long since gone.


Then, it ceases to be emotion, and begins to be masochism.

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