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Girlfriends Getting Naked for Tattoo Artist

Disenchantedly Yours

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The movie "Hunger Games" recently pointed out just how racist white people still are.


The little girl who died in the book, became a value-less piece of trash in the film, when directors chose to make her black. this pissed off a LOT of racist fans.


calling people "trashy", due to skin color (including ink), is an infantile response to life.


you think you're special? you think your body will go to "heaven" when you die?


ok kids. go to an old-folks home. see your fate for yourselves. you will fall apart, and turn into dirt. your body holds NO more value than a tatted up trash person, and there's zero reward for flawless skin when you croak.


hating ink, says more about YOU, than it does about colored folks.

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Any tattoo in a female is a disgrace.


If she must have a tattoo it would be best in the genitals or near the rectum where it is not visible.


If a female must have a tattoo it is better in a private part than in an arm or a leg.

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Given the exacting question posed in the OP, YES, it would bother me to the point of breaking up. Sex and nakedness is still special and exclusive to me.


That said, no, it will never bother ME because I would not be dating someone needing a tattoo OR needing to expose herself to strangers for that. Just not my style.

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Guys, I am curious. Would you be bothered if your girlfriend wanted to get a tattoo and she had to get compeletely or partially naked to get it. Such as showing another man her boobs while she gets tattooed, or her butt or even her vagina. Would this bother you or no?

I don't know any women with tattoos who aren't porn stars or act like porn stars which isn't my type personality wise.

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Guys, I am curious. Would you be bothered if your girlfriend wanted to get a tattoo and she had to get compeletely or partially naked to get it. Such as showing another man her boobs while she gets tattooed, or her butt or even her vagina. Would this bother you or no?


With a guy seeing her naked while she gets tattoed [or pierced] ... nope.


But i would want to know for sure that she went to a professional [some messed up joints here], because you can get something ... and i'm not really that high up on tattoo's.

In fact i think that most of the ppl who get tattoo's don't think things through that much.


PS: Love piercings, but those can be temporary. :p

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Yeah, I am okay with this too. As long as her hands stay off his private area.


Then you are naive. There is no reason for a man to get naked with a woman for a massage. Sports massage can be very adequately supplied by men and it is usual custom. Maybe in Turkish baths you will get the odd strong/butch lady but those are rare and never private.


As a woman I would never allow a man see me naked unless it was for sexual relations or for health reasons. Sure as hell not for ink.

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make me believe

I know it would bother my H if I were to get a tattoo that required exposure of a private area. Both the tattoo AND the exposure would bother him. I would feel the same way if he was doing that and had a female tattoo artist.


And sorry but I don't buy this crap about "they are just doing their jobs" like everybody is oh-so-professional at all times. I knew a pulmonologist once (chest/lung doctor), and he told me so many stories about how the doctors would talk about/rate the female patient's breasts, and stuff like that. No inappropriate touching or comments in front of the patient, but lots of "locker room" talk behind the scenes.

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I don't buy this crap about "they are just doing their jobs" like everybody is oh-so-professional at all times. I knew a pulmonologist once (chest/lung doctor), and he told me so many stories about how the doctors would talk about/rate the female patient's breasts, and stuff like that. No inappropriate touching or comments in front of the patient, but lots of "locker room" talk behind the scenes.


Yes, that's true. My friend dated a guy in med school and he told similar stories. Like an attractive woman coming in for a foot problem and getting a breast exam. After that I only went to female gynecologists.


The TSA xray scanners see thousands of naked people, yet there are stories of them making a very attractive woman get dosed with radiation over and over so they could see her "cute figure." Makes me want to vomit.

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Yes, that's true. My friend dated a guy in med school and he told similar stories. Like an attractive woman coming in for a foot problem and getting a breast exam. After that I only went to female gynecologists.


The TSA xray scanners see thousands of naked people, yet there are stories of them making a very attractive woman get dosed with radiation over and over so they could see her "cute figure." Makes me want to vomit.

You don't think a lesbian wouldn't do the same?

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Disenchantedly Yours
Then you are naive. There is no reason for a man to get naked with a woman for a massage. Sports massage can be very adequately supplied by men and it is usual custom. Maybe in Turkish baths you will get the odd strong/butch lady but those are rare and never private.


As a woman I would never allow a man see me naked unless it was for sexual relations or for health reasons. Sure as hell not for ink.


What am I naive about? I never said it was necessary to get naked for a massage, but from my personal experiences with massages, that's usually what happens. And I am certainly not talking about sports massage. I know that whenever I have gone for a massage myself, I was told I could keep my clothes on or I could strip down. I stripped down to my underwear because I think you get abetter massage that way. I do not think the site of a naked human body of the same or opposite sex would send another adult into fits of lust alone where they couldn't control themselves.

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I do not think the site of a naked human body of the same or opposite sex would send another adult into fits of lust alone where they couldn't control themselves.


I guess you haven't heard the latest news about John Travolta.

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Quiet Storm

My husband would definately have an issue with it.


With him, I don't think it's so much the looking, but the touching. He doesn't like other dudes touching me. About ten years ago I had a really bad kidney infection and we had to go to the ER and a male nurse gave me a shot of antibiotics in my ass. He grabbed my bare butt cheek and I looked over at my husband and I thought I saw steam coming out of his ears.


He swears that nurse was copping a feel instead of just giving me a shot.

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Disenchantedly Yours
I guess you haven't heard the latest news about John Travolta.


I also must have missed when TMZ became an intregrity news site. ;)

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I'd see no problem with it. It's kinda like getting mad if her doctor is checking her for breast cancer.


Even if he does register 'hot boob' or whatever, d'you think he'd try anything? The few tattoo artists I've spoken to take their work very seriously and are far too professional for that kind of thing

i don't think that i'd equate a doctor examining and treating a woman with breast cancer with a guy doing tatoos.maybe i'm the wrong generation.

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Anyone that thinks tattoos are cool or respectable needs to watch the show Hardcore Pawn.


The stereotype of tattooed folks is highly unfavorable.

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Nope I wouldn't mind, but I guess I'm just laid back like that. Plus I'm a fan of a little ink :cool:



The stereotype of tattooed folks is highly unfavorable.
I have a tattoo. Ignorant sheep stereotype, everyone is an individual. That's all I'll say, because if I go into this, I'll end up writing a full dissertation. Edited by Titanwolf
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Oxy Moronovich
Not a big fan of tatted up women so I think a copious amount of tattoos would probably be a bigger deal to me than the nakedness.


Deal breaker for me. And it's not about her exposing herself--it's about the tattoo. I abhor the very idea of it and see it as nothing but a badge of insecurity, foolishness and under-valuing of nature's natural beauty. I just will not stand for it. That's my choice and I get to make it come what may or go what go. I may accept a female who has made that abhorrent choice at a younger age but getting new ones is a deal breaker.

Young or old, tats on women are gross.

Well personally I wouldn't date a woman with tattoos. That would just be a dealbreaker for me. But if it wasn't, then I doubt I'd have a problem with her getting naked for the tatts. If the tattoo artist is a professional then I doubt any issues would arise.

Can't date a woman with tats either. It's ugly.

Tattoo = conformity in my book, and an inability to express oneself as an individual, so wouldn't be dating that person to begin with.

So many women these days get tats because it's the new fad. Tats are definitely an expression of female conformity.

I think we are in the process of dumping Masseur over here in the states, I always hear male masseuse or male massage therapist whenever the term is brought up. And you just gave me a flashback to high school english class.

Correction: you're in the process of dumping masseur. Masseur is still popular.

Yeah, like somebody else here stated.


A good looking woman with a tattoo is like the Grand Canyon surrounded by ugly bilboard signs.


People can do what they want with their bodies but I tend to lose respect for people who chose to have some ex con with an eighth grade education permanently mark up their bodies with cheesy cartoon art. Seriously?


But that's my opinion. Ill put my flame retardent suite on now.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Great analogy.

Any tattoo in a female is a disgrace.


If she must have a tattoo it would be best in the genitals or near the rectum where it is not visible.


If a female must have a tattoo it is better in a private part than in an arm or a leg.

No, tats on the genitals scream, "I am the ultimate whore". I'd definitely not go with a chick who had tats near her genitals.

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Nope I wouldn't mind, but I guess I'm just laid back like that. Plus I'm a fan of a little ink :cool:


Edit- I have a tattoo. Ignorant sheep stereotype, everyone is an individual. That's all I'll say, because if I go into this, I'll end up writing a full dissertation.


Please watch the show about the Detroit pawnshop and you will see how most of the scummy people in the planet have tattoos. I understand there are decent people with tattoos, but the numbers are skewed towards the low socio-economic uneducated underclass.

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No, tats on the genitals scream, "I am the ultimate whore". I'd definitely not go with a chick who had tats near her genitals.


I hear you, but at least they are not visible with clothes on.

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To the men who think tattoos are trashy on women, do you feel the same about pro athletes with tattos? Are they low class?


Same for ladies who think tattoos make guys look trashy. What about rock starts/actors? Are they trashy? Or is it ok because they are celebrities?

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To the men who think tattoos are trashy on women, do you feel the same about pro athletes with tattos? Are they low class?


Same for ladies who think tattoos make guys look trashy. What about rock starts/actors? Are they trashy? Or is it ok because they are celebrities?


A pro athlete with tattoos looks as trashy as a non-athlete with tattoos. There is no difference.


There are occasional artsy people with tattoos, but those are in the minority.


The other thing that is painfully obvious about tattoos is that they scream lack of originality. These folks might as well tattoo on their foreheads that they are sheep that follow fashion (no matter how absurd).


Furthermore, now we are seeing very old people getting tattoos. So tattoos are not cool at all.

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So let me just summarize here, I'm trashy, pathetic, scummy and a low life because I have meaningful ink on my body? lol epic. I wonder if the people at the charity shop that volunteer at, think the same thing, or the homeless people I've given money to, oh oh and the cat that I saved from being out on the streets. Man you people are narrow. I'd like to see you tell a person, whose child/wife/father whatever died, that their tattoo of them makes them all these things and whatever else I missed. Then again, you all have your freedom to believe what you want, I'll use my tattoo as an ignorance filter. Americans are stereotyped as being stupid, does that make it true? then again from what I've read here today...

Edited by Titanwolf
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Thanx..no disrspect intended.....Actually I saw a young girl at my local bar tonight.....she had rather a lot of tattooes,on her arms and the front of her body....it looked quite artistic because it was a very stylish design,so maybe Im old fashioned and need to rethink my position on tattooes also....I do hope she doesnt come to regret having them as she gets older and has children of her own.......anyway,live and let live is the best maxim.....I should try and remember it more often......


I am certain there are artsy people with tattoos that are not trashy at all. The problem is that for every artsy person there are 100 trashy folks with tattoos. So the stereotype is alive and well.


But, there is more. Tattoos are not cool anymore. They are basically for uncreative folks that are copycats.


That cross in the arm or the back of the shoulder is a dime a dozen.


We have come to the point where not having a tattoo is considered much more creative and original.:p:p

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