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Re: Tony have you been through this?

Tony T

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YOU WRITE: "Tony/Oliver, you have made some really good points. wish i didn't miss her so much"


I truly wish you did not have to go through this. But it is part of your growth.


True and absolute love for someone is manifest as much by letting them go to grow, learn, heal and move on as it is by keeping them around. And often, in keeping them around, we deny them the growth, knowledge, and healing they need to effect a life of their own.


If she comes back...and you still want her back...it was meant to be. But don't wait around. This, too, shall pass.

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Absolutely mate, it would be almost impossible to help.


I did the same as you, told her how much I cared about her time and time again thinking it would improve her self esteem, and all it did was drive her further away..


And she said the same things, that it was HER fault, absolutely nothing to do with me. I believe her.


Yet she cannot even touch me or kiss me on the cheek.


Thats what happens when they get the subcounscious belief that you are lower than them. Trust me, it is not some evil plot, it creeps up and takes all feelings away from the other person.


Take my advice, you will heal, I have to a large extent in just 4 weeks. In fact I spent the day with her today, and felt nothing when we parted. You will get here.



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